Your short changing us with so few photo's(I'm guilty of this too) . At least six photo's top and bottom (A/C), right and left, front and back.The three quarter photos work too. Sometime folks do the opposite and you get ten or fifteen of these things and folks get over whelmed with too much eye candy too. Finding that Goldie locks formula can be hard at time.
I like what I'm seeing and it deserves to be seen in its entirety.
Your short changing us with so few photo's(I'm guilty of this too) . At least six photo's top and bottom (A/C), right and left, front and back.The three quarter photos work too. Sometime folks do the opposite and you get ten or fifteen of these things and folks get over whelmed with too much eye candy too. Finding that Goldie locks formula can be hard at times.
I like what I'm seeing and it deserves to be seen in its entirety.
Yeah...I always take way more pics than is necessary, but when I'm goin' through 'em after downloading, I can always find probably half of 'em that oughta be deleted for one reason or another. More is better (so they say).
Your short changing us with so few photo's(I'm guilty of this too) . At least six photo's top and bottom (A/C), right and left, front and back.The three quarter photos work too. Sometime folks do the opposite and you get ten or fifteen of these things and folks get over whelmed with too much eye candy too. Finding that Goldie locks formula can be hard at time.
I like what I'm seeing and it deserves to be seen in its entirety.
Your short changing us with so few photo's(I'm guilty of this too) . At least six photo's top and bottom (A/C), right and left, front and back.The three quarter photos work too. Sometime folks do the opposite and you get ten or fifteen of these things and folks get over whelmed with too much eye candy too. Finding that Goldie locks formula can be hard at times.
I like what I'm seeing and it deserves to be seen in its entirety.
Very nice work. I do also agree with the need for more photos.
I suppose, I always take maybe 30 pics but I always like only a couple. I guess I'm just not a photogragher at heart. I'll try harder next time!
Yeah...I always take way more pics than is necessary, but when I'm goin' through 'em after downloading, I can always find probably half of 'em that oughta be deleted for one reason or another. More is better (so they say).
Excellent work!
Nice job on that "Target"...
Weathering is very nice and sooner or later I'll build a "Crawly" thing and get the picture on here as well.
Way to go Jeff!
Can't wait Fred, dont wanna be the only one to post "crawly" things, although I do love thier many, many, and sometimes more than you can count parts!
I'm not a tank-man but this one looks the part! NICE!
Thanx guys! I think I'm slowly makin progress!...Watch out Tolga, I'm coming for Ya!