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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

Classic Airframes 1/48 I-153s

March 26, 2013 · in Aviation · · 6 · 1.8K

The came out in around 1996, the last of the kits done for them by Eduard, and one of the first Eduard kits to be done in mainstream injection-molded plastic with better molds. The kit was later released by Eduard themselves following the end of their deal with Classic Airframes. Unlike most other Classic Airframes kits (mostly done by MPM, which operates on the theory, "Fit? Fit?! We don't need no steenking fit, steenking Yankee!", to paraphrase a famous line from "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre") this one fits beautifully and goes together without problem.

I did one using the kit's Propagteam decals for an I-153 flown by Soviet Naval Aviation as part of the Black Sea Fleet, and one as one of the six captured I-153s used by the Finns for reconnaissance, using an old Aeromaster sheet.

If you run across this kit, it's still the best I-153 kit out there, so grab it.

I think the I-153, the last biplane fighter to go into production, which was obsolete the day it rolled out the door, is still one of the best-looking biplanes ever. There's a rumor one of the restored ones may show up at Chino - one can hope.

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1  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. I like it,I like it a lot.

  2. 2 really nice builds, and a good kit, but it's reign as the best is probably over...

    soon as it's out I'm getting me one...

  3. Nice work, as usual. Placed side by side they look like different aircraft due to differences in color/camo. At least to me;)
    I have a Spec. Hob. 1-152s, with skiis that's waaaay back on the build list.

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