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Rob Anderson
204 articles

Just to prove I do build.....

March 22, 2013 · in Uncategorized · · 6 · 1.2K

My man cave was too clean so here it is with the 1/350th Livermore kit in progress. I plan on building it as the USS Wilkes performing convoy and ASW work in the Atlantic. Also the first shelf set up with models on it, and my shadow box.

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6 responses

  1. That proves nuttin'..! I could go scatter some c**p around MY [unused] modeling area/bench and tell you I was buildin' sumthin' (but I ain't) - lol

    I'm in a modeling "funk" - have been for some months now - dunno why - can't explain it. PLUS...I've only got a few kits in the "stash" (if it even qualifies as a stash). I got an Academy Phantom, a KittyHawk F-35B, a Kinetic Goshawk, a Revell Ventura and a Tamiya Sherman (every one of 'em are 1/48th scale). Oh...and I got a boatload of paratroopers that were/are supposed to go with my C-47 as a D-Day diorama, but I really hate paintin' figures and there's like 22 of 'em! BTW, I like your shadow box.

  2. Thanks, how's that new Academy Phantom? I'm waiting for the price to drop a bit and also get through some of my stash before I buy more...though I won the ME 109 here, then bought the Livermore kit and an Accurate Miniatures Vindicator to replace those two kits that were broken in the move.

    • Well...I did a brief cursory "fondling" of the Phantom when I got it a couple weeks back, but haven't (of course) actually started yet, so I can't give ya an accurate 'report'...but from what I've seen/read, it's supposed to be the cat's pajamas. We'll see.

  3. Yes it is supposed to be very nice and looks like it on line. And the price is not bad, but as I have learned time and again after jumping at the hot new kit, if I can wait it will be on sale!

  4. It looks like some progress is being made... it still has that Martha Stewart look with shades of Better Homes and Gardens. Something many women appreciate. Nice to see something with a head and no herbal tea...

    Where are the paint spills, the blobs, the cut marks left from dropped X-acto's and the blood stains...;)

    One thing about being able to set up a "Man Cave" or a suitable work space is the feeling that " All is Well" and you have time for a little "Mental Sanity" to keep on a even keel.

    Looking forward to more posts.

  5. I'm too scared to put up pics of my "man-cave" as it is always a picture of organized chaos. well done Rob, it looks really neat.

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