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Rob Anderson
206 articles

Ready to start building again!

March 19, 2013 · in Uncategorized · · 9 · 1.2K

Well after a move up the coast, trauma from incompetent movers, lots of work the smaller West Seattle man cave (Man cubby?) is ready to build in. Flipped a coin between the USS Livermore and the great 109 kit I won here last month, and as the fate of a retired USN Senior Chief would have it, the ship kit won. I have pics up from former squadrons (VS 41 VRC 30) memorabilia from my time in VS 38 (door panel from my QA shop on USS Constellation) a remove before flight flag from a group zero E-2C when I was a Plane Captain in VAW 124 and a Bill Phillips print of P-39s over New Guinea, oh and a OREGON DUCKS! Clock my daughter bought me. It will be good to own a home again and have a bigger space, but ya know 1st world problems right? This is pretty good for now!

Oh darn edited to add one of my most prized possessions my Det 3 flag from VRC 30. Argggghhhhhhh!

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9 responses

  1. Neat. Isn't it the third clean modeling desk we're seeing this month? Looks like a trend forming...

  2. HA! Wait a couple weeks!

  3. We used to move a lot previously - I had never felt I'd quite moved into a new place before the modeling desk was operational. Which could take several months to a year. Good job on your cave.

  4. Sooooo, what's in that glass near the lamp Matie? Ice tea? Keep up the good work.

  5. I noticed the red RBF banner you have. I "acquired" mine from an A-10 at an airshow many years ago. How about yours?

  6. Pike's Kilt Lifter is in the glass, and the RBF flag I got when I was a Hawkeye
    Plane Captain in VAW 124. As a lowly E-3 I was given the job of changing all the flags on the plugs and covers, and ground locks to da-glo ones that were not as nice, but were brighter. I asked the Chief if I could keep one for my model case and he said sure! That was about 24 years ago.

  7. Two thumbs up on the Beer and model. A real man cave needs that lived in look...with lots of stuff spread out all over. This photo looks like Better Homes and Gardens or Better Models and Gardens ...Looking forward to seeing the real "Cave" in a couple of weeks.

  8. Love the's just soooooo right!

  9. Yeah the flag was a "treasure hunt" for one of my Chief Petty Officer selectees on my last deployment in VRC 30. I said "find me a pirate flag", gave him the dimensions I wanted and paid him for it once he brought it. We then raised it from flag poles at the bases we were flying out of, or sometimes merely held it as our CODs took off. I decorated it with the names of everyone on my det, some det logos and nautical, pirate and rockabilly stuff. Some of the guys and gals signed it at the end of cruise and next to my shadow box and flight jacket is my best bit of memorabilia from my Navy years! Go Det 3 Crusaders!

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