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Tom Cleaver
930 articles

Zvezda Yak-3

May 29, 2013 · in Aviation · · 3 · 2.2K

Given the editor reviewed the kit i thought I might show what it looks like finished. This is an excellent kit, as the video review reveals. I would be very happy if were to do the rest of the Yaks, since this is really the best Yak kit out there in . I used the old Aeromaster sheet for Yak fighters.

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3  Awesome

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3 responses

  1. No doubt the finished product is nothing less than spectacular (you have a nice touch, Tom). Yet, I have to ask, what in your opinion, makes this the best Yak kit out there in 1/48 as opposed to the Yaks produced by Eduard or Accurate Miniatures?

  2. There's a finesse of detail, like knife-edge trailing edges on flying surfaces, and fit that isn't fiddly (as was the case with Accurate Miniatures). You can either do the engine fully uncovered with full structural detail, or easily close it up (as I did). The clear parts are thin enough they should be treated as if they were vacuformed. The Eduard kit in comparison is clunky.

  3. Glad to see this kit built, and also that it seems to be as good as it looks in the box. Keep up the good work.

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