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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

Classic Airframes 1/48 early Hurricane I

July 2, 2013 · in Aviation · · 5 · 1.7K

The I is the only kit that offers the opportunity to do a "ragwing" Hurricane. It is obvious the designers looked at the Hasegawa kit, which they corrected by changing the lower wing part so the fuselage mating area doesn't go through the fabric surfaces but rather connects on a panel line (why Hasegawa wasn't smart enough to make this one fix that would have made their kit perfect is beyond me).

Kit decals were modified to make L1559 of Red Flight, 111 Squadron, as seen during their visit to the Paris Air Show in July 1938. the white "111" decal was applied and set, then the upper half was painted red, then the black outline decal was applied. I wanted to do a completely early Hurricane with the fully-retractable tail wheel and the kidney exhausts and Watts wooden prop.

An excellent kit if you can find it, since it's now long OOP. Gunze paints for the upper colors, SNJ Aluminum for the lower.

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5  Awesome

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5 responses

  1. Looking great, Tom.
    The CA kit sure disappeared way too fast. I have the MDC early Hurricane conversion for the Hasegawa kit but sure would have liked to have a go at one of those CA kits.

  2. Profile Photo
    said on July 2, 2013

    A definite - "like it" !

  3. Nice work on the kit, Tom. The one I built was a bit rough around the edges (just the usual short run stuff) and with a bit of care it proved a very pleasureable build. I dig your choice of subjects, Red Flight of "Treble 1", looks great in that pre-war livery.

  4. love that one tom

  5. I've always preferred the look of the Hurricane over the Spitfire, and this early Hurricane really looks the part!

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