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Maxim Bylkin
65 articles

Eduard 1/48 Nieuport-17 VVS RKKA

July 17, 2013 · in Aviation · · 12 · 3.2K

Again, the red stars! This time it's Nieuport-17 aircraft of the Baltic Fleet, the 20-ies.
Model repainted, it was originally a Nieuport labeled "Bob." Almost all the small things were manufactured from scratch. Coloring was done with a mixture of aluminum and gray (Tamiya enamel). Stars-100-variant decals on I-16.
Happy viewing.
Warning-this is not the last red falcon!)))

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6  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. another beauty...i knew it was yours as soon as i looked at the picture

  2. absolutely beautiful model and subject!

  3. Exceptionally well done. It appears they definitely wanted to be able to identify their aircraft.

  4. Very interesting markings. Good looking model.

  5. That's a cool bi-plane Maxim! The only WWI-era bi-plane I have built is the old Testor's Nieuport 17. I spent a ton of time and effort to detail it but it doesn't look quite like yours 🙂 That's a interesting beauty you have there!

  6. It's beautiful, especially the way you captured the different textures on the plane, and the weathering, and, everything, in fact!

  7. Thank you, friends!
    This is not the last Nieuport. Soon we begin grĐľupbild Great War, there plan at least one more - in the livery of the Russian imperial fleet. And the scale is larger)

  8. Profile Photo
    said on July 18, 2013

    Outstanding Max. Whats you're rigging material?

  9. Maxim,
    I like the Nieuport 17 and you have really brought it to life. I like the markings, very interesting.

  10. Have to say you have a really nice paint technique. Enjoy seeing what you did on your other aircraft.

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