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Chuck A. Villanueva
129 articles

Monograms 1/48th Douglas AD-6 Skyraider, USMC Korean War

July 8, 2013 · in Aviation · · 14 · 3.4K

Someone had mentioned that you don't see too many of the Blue Skyraiders of the late WWII/Korean War Era. Well I built one a year ago for the ARC 100 year Naval Air Anniversary GB. One of 3 kits I completed. I decided to go with a USMC that participated in the Korean War. One of the ways to approach a GSB scheme that isn't so glossy after some time in the Korean harsh climate. How I did this was after the clear coat was sprayed after the decal step, I went over the top, leading edge of the tail and wings. Creating a blotchy look that is better seen in real time than viewing here in the images. Started a Grumman F7F-3N Tigercat that will be overall black, which again started out glossy. But I will be a little bit more aggressive on the weathering on that project. On the Skyraider I ended up not using the decals shown on the 2nd image. A fellow modeler pointed out a sheet by Fantasy Print Shop which was more correct for this version. The Eagle Strike sheet had different variants that would had to modify the kit or a Tamiya kit that had the side door on the RH side of the fuselage, thus eliminating the side dive brakes. Plus some other mods I was not prepared to do. The only other mod was a set of True Detail wheels. Otherwise it was built right out of the box. The real noticeable feature on this kit is that the engine cowl is short. Comparing a Tam kit cowl you can see the difference. Otherwise it is not a difficult build. Some sink marks to fill, otherwise the typical raised panel lined, detail in the cockpit is fair, and easy to detail. Seatbelts are molded on the seat. Aeromaster Acrylic Glossy Sea Blue was used throughout. Have 4 more Skyraiders left in the stash, 2 Navy and 2 Air Force Sandy's. 2 Hase 72nd scale and a pair of Tamiyas Skyraiders. The rockets on this kit are borrowed from the Tamiya kit, as I will configure that kit with a different tasking once I start to build it. Thanks for viewing.

Fly Navy

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14 responses

  1. Profile Photo
    said on July 8, 2013

    Superb Chuck! Thats the scheme and kit i was thinking about doing. Looks great.

    • Thanks Gregor, yes it is quite unique being that the Skyraider was significant in the Korean War, we get more Panthers, Corsairs and Sabres. But there were quite few aircraft that participated that don't get as much attention. Now quite a few planes are available

  2. I wish they would produce the variant with the ray dome underneath the fuse and the four seater. Those would be nice also. Yours , however, looks quite nice and a very fine job I must say.

  3. Nice Spad, Chuck.

    Trying to weather a glossy scheme can be tricky. On the A-26, after the decals were on, I went over the whole airplane with random shots of Dullcote, less on the undersides as they're not normally exposed to sunlight. You're right, the effect doesn't photograph well.

    Paul, I believe Monogram did the four seat AD in 1/72 and maybe Airfix had the one with the radome (?). Haven't seen any of those in a long time...

    • Yes I did a Panther in GSB and left that semi glossy as they seem to maintain that gleam longer out on the boat. Carefully planning the final finish on a Tigercat as it gets closer to the painting step and after.

  4. very nice dad flew blue ad's...had an engine konk out it restarted landed and went home and drank a quart of rum...that is really a pleasure to look at

  5. These are really good looking planes, and, as always, you've done a superb job.

    • It's ruggedness yet for a big plane it can turn. It's loiter time on target was amazing. Always enough ordnance to keep the LZ clear or keep the bad guys heads down while extracting the team out. Thanks for the comment George.

  6. Agreed! One does not see too many blue Skyraiders. Nor does one see too many Monogram (even less, Matchbox) Skyraiders, most taking the Tamiya path. Its nice to know that I am not the only one who appreciates and still builds these old gems. Hey, anyone can turn a "Tamiyagawa" kit into something decent, but getting a silk purse from a sow's ear takes real talent. Good on you, Chuck! Keep 'em coming!

  7. Seamus thank you, I do have just as many Monogram/Revell/Pro Modeler kits as Tamiya and Hasegawa kits in the stash. Along with the Academy's, Fujimi's etc. I really have no favorites. I will do them all.

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