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Mike Maynard
53 articles

US Coast Guard MH-65C

July 31, 2013 · in Aviation · · 9 · 8.3K

This model represents the USCG "Dolphin" short range helicopter. Dating back to the 1980's, this twin engined aircraft is the Services' standard shipboard aircraft, certified for all weather and night time operations.

My model is the 1:48 scale kit, and goes together quite easily. I modified the kit as the HITRON weapon carrying version. To upgrade the model I added a scratchbuilt engine, exterior antenna, extended the radar nose cone, added the infared optic sensor, opened up compartment panels, and the cockpit roof hatch. The interior was detailed to reflect the current version of the HH-65. The model was painted with rattlecan orange paint.

The helo, nicknamed "Tupper Wolf" (because of the actual helo constructed of plastic/fiberglass/polycarbon parts similar to Tupperware) sits on my USCGC CAMPBELL model at the Coast Guard Heritage Museum.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Looks great. Love choppers.

  2. Exceptionally well done. Thanks for the in progress shots. Hope that guy doesn't fall.

  3. Nice job, Mike...well done.

  4. wow to the wow

  5. Very nice work.

  6. Makes me want to buy some tupperware,didn't know it had polycarbon it it! Nice model.

  7. Wow is right another exceptional build mike

  8. Mike...I just visited the Museum 2 weeks ago! You did that Campbell model?! Holy c**p that thing is huge, and amazing! Damn dude, you have skills! I am speechless. You really "turn two" when you need to. : )

  9. Outstandingly beautiful chopper, Mike!

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