1/35 Panzer IV F/f1 by Dragon

August 31, 2013 · in Armor · · 4 · 4K

The was the workhorse of the German Panzer forces throughout WWII. Though eventually replaced by the Panther, Panzer IVs fought on every front till the bitter end. The F/f1 shown here was an early version which fought with Rommel's Africa Corps in Libya. The short barreled 75mm gun was considered a significant upgrade in battlefield armament, but was soon found to have limited range, and poor armor penetration. It would be replaced by up-gunned long barreled versions.

This model by is a really fine kit. I have portrayed it with all possible hatches open -- partly to show all the options the kit provided, and partly because most pictures of North African combat show everything open (it gets blame hot inside those steel coffins!) At least you can see the gun breach inside the turret, even though the interior is otherwise blank. Those hatches, by the way, are functional! The tracks are individual link, which look great when done but can inspire homicidal thoughts in building them.

Camo is standard Africa Corps desert tan, with post shading in a slightly darker version, and a burnt umber wash.

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7  Awesome

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4 responses

  1. Very nice work, Mr. Knowles...I like it.

  2. All those lessons are paying off ! Another good effort, indeed !

  3. Mike
    Very nice tank, clean build and a great paint job. Your building repertoire seems "well rounded", all your models posts appear top shelf.

  4. Excellent Pz.IV Mike!

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