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Erich Goldbach
24 articles

Hasegawa 1/48 scale F4U-4 Corsair.

August 15, 2013 · in Aviation · · 15 · 2.8K

Marine Fighting Squadron 215 (VMF-215) "The Fighting Corsairs" was a fighter squadron that was activated and fought during World War II. Following the surrender of Japan, the squadron was deactivated on November, 1946. The squadron was reactivated in the Marine Forces Reserve and was based out of Naval Air Station Olathe, Kansas until its deactivation on January 30, 1970. This model was built about 15 years and represents -4 (BuNo 97264) from that Reserve Squadron before its retirement from service in 1957. The person I built it for wanted a that looked different, so I suggested this unique looking paint scheme worn by these MFR machines. He agreed, but said he didn't like the looks of the correct number 11 for this aircraft. Since he was a NY Yankees fan, I gave it #3in honor of its greatest player. The model was built OOB with the additions of PE seat belts, tubing for exhaust pipes and some wire added for the brake lines. Painting was done with Aeormaster Enamels and the decals were from the kit-if I remember correctly. I recently did some repairs on some damage that was done to the landing gear, so I snapped a few photos of it to post. I know it has some warts, but it was an enjoyable build and it definitely looks different sitting next to its standard all blue or multicolor Corsair stablemates. If anyone has the Squadron/Signal Publications (#1145) F4U CORSAIR in action, page 57 shows this AC post retirement sitting in a bone-yard looking worn out and neglected.

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15 responses

  1. You did a nice job on that, Erich...good to see a different scheme now and again.

  2. Great work, Erich! I love that unusual paint scheme.

  3. Erich,
    This is one of your best. I see a scotch moment approaching...

  4. Profile Photo
    said on August 16, 2013

    Nice alternative finish - like it!

  5. Excellent paint scheme and application! I enjoy it when a builder like Erich "thinks outside the box" and does a little research. The results are usually a crowd pleaser, very nice work.

  6. i absolutely love that kit...fine job

  7. Very nice work. Three Guys Replicas also did a decal sheet for this airplane, now OOP but perhaps available at Rare Kit Detective or on evilBay.

  8. One of the nicest looking Corsairs I've seen.

  9. said on August 20, 2013

    Erich ...FINALLY .. a plan I CAN really relate to ... THIS was the plane/s that our Reserve outfit flew from the Olathe, Ks Naval Air Base!
    "she" was an oily bird, BUT fantastic to see and hear them running up on the flight linel
    Ironically it was also VMF 215 then,, the same unit my Dad flew with ! A very BEAUTIFUL build !

  10. All, thank you for the kind comments about my Corsair
    Greatly appreciated!

  11. Erich .. AGAIN .. I cannot stop viewing the "ol gull bird" that I so fondly remember was on the flight line there at Olathe NAS in the mid 50'd ! THANK YOU for the photos .. they did #3 TRUE justice ...BEAUTIFUL !
    AND a Semper Fi from VMF 215 !

  12. I know it's been commented on but nice to see a Corsair in a different (and beautiful) colour scheme. Lovely clean build and there's something just really eye catching about that paint job!

  13. In 1957 the Navy went from overall GSB to Gull Gray uppers, and white lowers. This one got caught in the transition, making for a unique F4U scheme. Right about the time the F4Us left the inventory.

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