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Tony Prince
97 articles

Trumpeter Bf 109G2 in 1/32 scale by Tony Prince

October 25, 2013 · in Aviation · · 7 · 2.3K

I bought this kit intending to do a '109F' as stated on the box top. Subsequently I read several reviews which clearly indicated that it was a 'G2' & how to make suitable backdate adjustments. The one error no one seemed to spot would have been the hardest to fix; the windshield & canopy had the much heavier framework of the 'G' models & altering clear parts is not an area I am prepared to venture into. (Murphy's law has struck & this kit has now been re-issued as the correct 'G2' boxing). Anyway, to cut a long story short, I made this as a 'G2' with no alterations at all except a new sheet of AeroMaster decals. Very few problems with the build except for too many tiny PE parts. Trying to install the headrest armour was a nightmare using the etched parts so I rebuilt this bit in thin sheet plastic & stretched sprue. Fit otherwise was very good & surface detail reasonably restrained & crisp. Not as fine as the Hasegawa kits, but better in other respects including price.

Interestingly, I found three different camouflage patterns for this aircraft all as serving in Tunisia with 3./JG 53 (Lt. Wilhelm Crinius) in Jan. 1943. This one came from Web references & had the most appeal.

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2  Awesome

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. Tony, great job on this. The desert camo has a soft, authentic look that's hard to achieve. These later Mk 109s are among my favourite aircraft.

  2. Tony,
    Outstanding I really like what you have done here.

  3. Nice work on this model, a very good looking result.

    That strange-shaped rudder is the result of Trumpeter using a picture of a 109 with the rudder deflected about 10 degrees away from the camera. Back in their early days, I suggested through their North American importer that they could get modelers who knew the subject matter to work with them in the design phase where it's really easy to correct mistakes, but they want nothing to do with it. Fk'm. After the cockup of that ferschlugginah Stuka, I've concluded there isn't an airplane they can screw up a model of that I want so badly I'm going to go through the c**p of correcting them any more. 'Bye Trumpy, you've lost me (unless you happen to finally release the TBD and it's as good as the SBD).

  4. Really nice finish on this one, Tony, 109s always lood good, and this one looks great.

  5. Tony, I'm a s****r for a 109 and I really like the paint scheme you did on this early Gustav-nicely done!

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