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Erich Goldbach
24 articles

Tamiya 1:35 Scale Steyr Type 1500A/01 Multipurpose 1.5 ton Truck

February 11, 2014 · in Armor · · 10 · 2.6K

The 1500A/01military transport vehicle was produced in Austria for the Wehrmacht in accordance with the vehicle standardization "Schell Programme" of 1940. Developed using the chassis of a 1500A 1.5 ton truck, the 1500A/01 housed an eight cylinder, eighty-five horse power gasoline engine linked to a four gear transmission and could attain a max speed of 100KM/hr on paved roads. The 1.5 ton Steyr was known for its robust design, reliability and ease of maintenance in the field. The basic chassis was adapted to multiple uses; command car, mobile radio communications and antiaircraft truck, troop carrier, general transport vehicle and ambulance. There are currently some great aftermarket parts on the market to build most of these options.

While I dabble from time to time in armor vehicles, I'm definitely not known a truck builder by my modeling partners in crime! I got this model from my brother as a Christmas gift; truthfully, I would probably never have picked up this model to build on my own accord. The Steyr surely isn't going to win any beauty contests based on its looks with its pug nose and bull dog stance. Yet, homely as it may be visually, I have to say that this kit was a pleasant surprise and a complete joy to build. The parts are crisply molded and the fit is second to none. The only down side are multiple, but shallow ejector pin marks on the interior side walls. The good news is that you can't really see them under a coat of paint.

The bulk of the build was done OOB and the basic construction took me about 4 hours which is a world record for me as usually I build at a snail's pace. For the paint scheme, I wanted to do something different so I painted the truck overall German Grey and then over painted that with a combination of Dark Yellow and Desert Yellow to represent a truck was shipped to North Africa in standard pre-1943 grey livery and field painted to the appropriate Theater color upon arrival. All base paints applied were Model Master Enamel Products.

Following basic painting, the model was given a light acrylic raw umber wash. Wear and chipping was done with a No2 pencil and an X-ACTO knife used to chip through to the grey color. Further staining/weathering was done with various earth tone chalk /isopropyl alcohol mixtures. As I've mentioned in previous posts, I'm not really into applying grungy finishes to my models, so for me, this is “lettin' it rip” and I really enjoyed the process. The helmets, rifle, pistol, binoculars map pouch and dashboard instrument dials were from the spares box and were the only additions to the kit. A final coat of Floquil Acrylic Flat with a few drops of dust sealed the model.

The finished model represents a basic field command truck in service with the 69th Panzer Grenadier Battalion, Tunisia, Feb. 1943. This is my first completed model of 2014 and it was definitely a great way to start things off. Thanks to my friend Frank for the photos. If you are looking for something “different” to build, this kit will definitely “scratch that itch”.



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5  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. OK, funny. Where's the model?
    I'm waiting...

  2. For someone who doesn't do armor you nailed this one.
    Well done.

  3. Erich,
    I can see the photos and they look great. I really like the weathering and how you did the straps on the gear inside the vehicle.
    Outstanding job.

  4. What a magnificent work of art! Take a picture of this outside and it will certainly pass for the real thing!

  5. Very good, Erich. Not only did I enjoy the photos, I learned something from the text. Putting the lessons to work is another story, but thanks all the same.

  6. Nice clean build. The paint application is flawless, you nailed the fabric "folds/wrinkles" just perfect.

  7. Nice change of pace Erich. You captured the look of a well used vehicle. The randomness of the weapons and equipment laying in the car is just right and gives that moment of time when then vehicle is parked but ready for action. Well done.

  8. Thanks all for the kind words about my truck- greatly appreciated.

  9. Erich, that is a stunning build and paint job

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