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John Healy
162 articles

1/32 Pfalz D.IIIa

May 5, 2014 · in Aviation · · 28 · 3K

This is my recently completed D.IIIa. I finished it straight from the box, only adding rigging from .007 stainless steel wire. It was painted with Tamiya lacquer and Humbrol enamel paints. I included a couple of photos of the kit parked next to a 1/72 Meikraft Pfalz D.IIIa that I finished in 1991, and an Eduard 1/48 Pfalz completed in 2001. I am a big fan of this plane and the Wingnut Wings kit is some seriously nice plastic. Great model.

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6  Awesome 1 

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28 responses

  1. Terrific build John. WNW are so good. although I have yet to buy one.
    Your build looks so clean.
    Well done sir.

  2. Looks great. Stand out paint scheme.

  3. you do very nice work john

  4. I've heard many good things about WNW, although building anything with more than one wing and (gasp) rigging, isn't an area of interest for me. However, this build has reinforced the notion that WNW produces "good stuff" - and from the looks of it, so do you. Nice work, sir.

  5. WNW obviously produce some great kits, and you've made a great model from this one, terrific finish, it looks as though it could actually fly.

  6. Very nice work.
    Red and white elegance.

    Best regards, Vlad

  7. Wow thats so nice all three together look fantastic John i have this kit
    and one day i will build up the courage to build one.
    Well Done Great Job

    • Thanks Mark! I've always loved this plane. I remember how excited I was when the little Meikraft kit came out. I never dreamed we'd have progressively better and bigger kits of this plane.

  8. Wonderful work, and love the three-scale comparison.

  9. Fantastic build John ! Your passion really comes through. The grouping of the three of them is a real treat. Thanks for what you do.

    Tom Berichon

  10. Thank you Tom!

  11. Great kit, great job ! What could be prettier ? Just beautiful, John.

  12. Nice clean build, striking paint application. Is the underside of the top wing hand painted?

    • Thanks Mike. The undersides of both wings are lozenge decals provided in the kit. Excellent Cartograph products that work flawlessly.

  13. Yeah, the WNW Pfalz D.IIIa is definitely one of their best. They're all good, but this one is really nice. To my mind, the best Pfalz D.III kit out there.
    And very nice work by the modeler in turning out a superb model.

  14. Very nice job !

  15. John,
    This is absolutely gorgeous. These are fine kits and in skilled hands, like yours they are even more impressive. I have an SE5 but as yet have not had the courage to build it.

    • Thanks Frank. They're a lot of fun. Speak of the devil, I ordered the Se.5a last week. The rigging is the trick on most British types, double wires usually. Take a crack at any of the German types first, simpler rigging.

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