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James Kelley
81 articles

1/48 Revell PT-17 Stearman

May 29, 2014 · in Aviation · · 21 · 4.9K

Here's the iModeler Review kit from a few weeks ago... 🙂

A fun little kit that goes together very well. No putty needed, this is perhaps 's best-fitting kit. The kit's rigging diagram was helpful, but could've been a little clearer. Between that and the box art, I managed to figure it out. I used 0.2mm nickel silver rod for the rigging wire (Albion Alloys LTD., NSR02). Partial pilot holes were drilled, and the wires placed into them, then secured with a tiny drop of extra-thick cyanoacrylate.

yellow all over, NATO black for the cockpit coaming & tires, and Testors Aluminum Plate, Gunmetal, and Burnt Iron metallizers used. Overcoated with Future and left shiny, since these machines were kept pretty clean. I didn't bother with removing the civilian "N" from the registration.

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

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21 responses

  1. Great build James,i really like the way you did the rigging it looks spot on im going to have to try that method Thanks for the tip.
    Nicely Done mate.

  2. That certainly is yellow. Looks great.
    This kit has got to be one of the better values for your money.

  3. No pictures of the inside? I thought the full fuselage frame was a neat part of this kit! it looks like it builds up nicely. How easy do the wings line up? That been a bugaboo with a couple of biplanes I've built.

  4. Outstanding build. Wonder when we're getting some decals for Military birds? Not crazy about Civil birds.

  5. Nicely presented, James.

  6. Well, now you've done it, I'll have to order one.
    Nice work.

  7. VERY well-done, James. Fit & finish spot-on. Rigging impressive.

    The nickel rod you used is available for U.S. folks at Spru Bros under the Albion Alloy banner...6pc pkg, 5.49 usd. ID # on pkg. is NSR1M...the pkg states rod is 0.2mm.

  8. Really nice build. Crisp and clean.

  9. James,
    For grins, have you measured ur build to the published dimensions of the real aircraft presented here?

    That'd be an interesting exercise.

  10. Very nice bright finish on this one, James, I like it.

  11. Nice clean build.

  12. Lovely build. Love it. I want to do one too now. 🙂

  13. said on June 1, 2014

    Very nice built. One question about rigging. I had always problem with cutting proper lenght of Albion Alloys to fit my construction rigging. How did you measure lenght of each rigging?

  14. fantastic.l..gotta get one

  15. Jim,
    Outstanding job on this. I am very happy that this kit appeared and i am in awe of the job you have done with it.

    • One more thing. I just looked at the Silver Wings 1/32 Stearman. It appears to be and excellent and well engineered kit. Alittle pricy though. around $150.00, tax, license, out the door. I will stick to this one.

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