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Geoffrey Abreu
60 articles

1/48 Trumpeter Sea Fury

May 25, 2014 · in Aviation · · 15 · 2K

This is a Trumpy that I built a few years ago. I understand that the kit has some issues but what the hell, I built it anyways. Markings were some excellent ones from Mike Grant, possibly the best decals I have ever used. Painted with Tamiya acrylics,

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

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15 responses

  1. Looks like a Sea Fury to me! And a pretty nice one to,
    Nice Job! 🙂

  2. that turned out great

  3. Looks good, a very tidy build.

  4. Love the Sea Fury, nicely built and beautifully finished well done Geoff.

  5. Nice build Geoffrey, it looks the part.
    Well done sir.

  6. Very sharp Sea Fury Geoffrey.

  7. If you had "issues", they're not noticeable. Those decals really make it a stand-out.

  8. I really like this build. Crisp work.

  9. Nice clean build.

  10. Geoffrey,
    A beautiful model of a beautiful airplane.

  11. Great job, nice and clean!

  12. Very nice model, Geoffrey, nice clean finish, good photographs.

  13. Nice! I really like this bird! I remember building the 1/48th Hobbycraft kit many moons ago, and just to add to the injury, I built the 32nd scale one too! Seeing yours, I guess I'm ready to give it a go!

  14. Very smart. Love it

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