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Frank Cronin
80 articles

D-Day C-47A of the 94TCS / 439TCG at Devon U.K.

June 7, 2014 · in Aviation · · 19 · 2.2K

This aircraft was flown by the Group Commander of 94TCS / 438TCG, Colonel C. H. Young. The painting on the nose of the aircraft is of a sailing ship named Argonia. Argonia was the hometown of Colonel Young. I have the utmost respect for the pilots and crew of the 's flying on D-Day. They had to maintain close formation on a direct path, and at an altitude of 500 or 600 feet. At that altitude they were targets for any weapon pointed at them by the Germans. Many aircraft and crews were lost during D-Day. They were truly some of the greatest unsung hero's of D-Day.

This is the C-47 built out of the box. I had no fit issues and everything went together very well I think this is definitely one of Monograms better kits.i painted it with Model Master enamels and used Eagle Strike decals. I was going to scratch build the boarding ladder but instead I found an etched metal ladder in my Trumpeter C-47 kit. I put it together and quite frankly it looks a lot better than what I was going to scratch build. I bought the Trumpeter kit from a gentleman that was clearing out his stash, I paid $125.00 for about 15 kits and he threw in the Trumpeter to sweeten the pot. This type of buy does not happen very often. On this note in comparing the two kits the main thing that pops out is the price. Both kits are very nicely done and the Trumpeter has some etched parts. I have built about three of the Monogram kits and have never had any problems with them. I have only looked at the pieces in the Trumpeter box and it appears to be OK. Overall though I don't think you can go wrong with the Monogram kit and I think it is one of their best.

As to the figures. I have no idea what they are doing with the exception of the enlisted crewman. He is checking to see if the wing is still attached and that the stripes were applied properly.

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19 responses

  1. The Monogram C-47 is indeed a classic kit and you have done yours proud.

  2. Good looking C-47 Frank. The O.D. & weathering look the part.

  3. Another winner, Frank. Admire your work.

  4. A wonderful build Frank, I have never built a Monogram kit as I can recall, so cannot pass judgement on fit etc, but you seemed to hit this one on the head.
    Mind you your skill and patience is far better than mine.
    Well done Frank
    PS How is the shoulder going ?

    • Simon,
      Thanks for asking. I am currently in physical therapy and am beginning to get the use of my shoulder back. It will take time. I am sort of bionic with all the metal in my arm and shoulder. Hope all has turned out with your breaking. We went through that a while back and it is not fun.

  5. As I've always said, Frank...ya can't go wrong with an 'old' Monogram kit. Good job. I recognize those crew figures, but where'd the fleece jacket come from?

    • Craig,
      The figures were painted by my mentor, Stan Staples. I acquired them after he had passed always. Where the fleeced lined guy came from I have no idea but he is kind of cool. The others are stock Monogram. By the way, have you gotten the figures from the b-24 you need for your upcoming model?

  6. gosh...i love it frank...and what a fabulous scheme selection

  7. Great build Frank, well done.

  8. Frank,
    You made it with the C-47 as well! This is really outstanding. I love the subtle weathering you have done, and the different color to the rudder and elevators. The figures really add some interest, and look convincing. Interesting background story, as usual from you. Great job all around, and thanks!

  9. Beautiful model, Frank! It's a wonderful inspiration for an upcoming Gooney project...

  10. Very nicely done Frank, the plain background with the crew figures standing around looks like a makers promo shot ,two brilliant Dakota's in this G/B ,what a treat.Thanks for taking part.

  11. Beautifully Built as per usual Frank, This is another one of the big old Monogram kits i seem to have missed out on and to be honest i dont think i have ever built a C-47 Dekota not even the old Airfix one in my school boy days when im pretty sure i built nearly all their 1/72 stuff at one time or another,
    Great Build Frank !

  12. The ladder is a nice touch. I noticed your insignias are different sizes. All four of mine were the same. I had to cheat and put the one for the fuselage under the door hinges and paint the blue on them. (Not that it matters now as you can't see that area anymore.) I couldn't decide which carb scoops to put on mine as I'd seen pictures with all three types being used so I shot for the middle of the road.

    Yours must've come from an airfield with more attentive ground crews as it appears to have gotten more love than mine! I do like the fading on the control surfaces. I'll have to see if I can go back and respray mine.

  13. Operation, or no operation, you haven't lost a step, Frank ! Two great looking, not to mention BIG models, done in less time than it takes most of us to one, and that with an arm in a sling, and the other, answering emails ! Outstanding !

    • Thanks Joe, I am sort of bionic but coming back with no problems. I would not wish a replacement on anyone but I will Encourage it if it needs to be done. I am far better than I was prior to the procedure

  14. Another beauty from Mr. Cronin's work bench!

  15. Nice work Frank! You've given me the bug to do one too.

  16. Frank, I can do more than quote one of your own comments: "I really like what you have done". The way you've arranged the figures in the photographs definitely sets off the model very well.

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