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Maxim Bylkin
65 articles

Zvezda 1:72 T-34-76

July 13, 2014 · in Armor · · 11 · 2.8K

Great model great tank)). Model is positioned as children, the assembly without glue, but! Looks like she is not a toy. Now I plan to collect from the other models of the company -Tiger, Panther and IS-2.

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3  Awesome

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11 responses

  1. Nice as ever Maxim, long time no hear mate.
    Like the weathering/paint job.
    Well done mate.

  2. Your right, doesn't look like a snap-tight kit.
    I think the way you built & weathered it helps hide that though.

  3. If you hadn't told me, I'd have never known it was a snap-together. Nice finishing work!

  4. Certainly doesn't look like a snap tight kit. Your paint and weathering are excellent.

  5. Nothing wrong with child's play ...I can see the potential for using this kit in a Dio. Youtube has many posts of this Tank being recovered from the swamps and marshes of Russia,with tanks being so deep in the muck that there is little or no oxygen to rust things out. Some of the Tanks are time capsules.

    Lookin good.

    Two thumbs up.

    • All because I made a bit too much rust. On a real tank it should not by much, if not a museum. But I just could not resist, have left almost all assortment of Mig)))

  6. Thanks for the comments, colleagues, very nice!

  7. Excellent built, excellent tank ! I guess these Zvesda kits are a must have
    for tank fans in this scale.


  8. Looks very good for any scale, but especially good for 1/72.

  9. 1/72 WOW it Looks Amazing in this scale
    Beautifully done Max

  10. Maxim,
    Looks great

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