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California Steve
62 articles

Desert diorama. Or, two types of camels.

September 14, 2014 · in Diorama · · 36 · 3.6K

Here is a dio I built for my brother in law. He collects the expensive King and Country pre built tanks and miniatures. Here are some photos with a strange looking armored vehicle and a overall photo with a Bedouin and his camel. These are my doing.

Now you are asking yourself. "what the heck was Steve thinking" I got bored one day and was going through my many boxes of spare parts and this long range desert vehicle and tanker just came together. The main body of the truck is from a half track with a set of tires from a Long Tom cannon. The water trailer main tank is from a manicure set and is aluminum and was the perfect shape. The frame for this is Evergreen plastic. The Bedouin is a English infantry solider I draped in wet tissue. let dry, sprayed with hair spray to set it then painted with acrylics. I call him Lawrence.

Well I hope you enjoy more of my madness.

California Steve

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5  Awesome

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36 responses

  1. It seems like a man with too much time on his hands.
    Nice work Steve, great little diorama.

  2. Now that right there is a good lookin' diorama, Steve, VERY nice work you did. The scratch building and various other little "touches" are great! Excellent photographic effects as well.

    • Thanks Craig. I have built about six dioramas for my brother in law so he can display his models. I'm working on a winter scene at this time. We have this deal. he makes a sketch of what he is looking for, buys all the material and I mold it together for him. This unwritten contract includes a fine meal at his and my sisters house. They are both chefs. Nuff said on that.
      I'm glad you like Craig.
      California Steve

      • So what does HE do with 'em...? You oughta start puttin' signed plaques on 'em all. "On Loan From the Collection of..." 🙂

        • Craig, I wished you lived closer. Let me start out by saying my brother in law is not a Nazi! But he has been fascinated by military collectibles and has a room that looks like a museum. Glass cases and all. His WWII collection has recently been estimated at over $180.000.00. To give you a example of his rare pieces he has a German Africa Core officers uniform made out of tent material. It was all they had to work with. The tailors followed the army. This is displayed in a torso mannequin. You ought to see his helmet collection. Anyways! He displays his models on top of the display cabinets. If you ever get to the left coast, let me know. We can hit Chino Air museum, and next door the Yanks. Then my brother in law's collection. Then In-in-Out hamburgers. Now that is a day!

          California Steve

  3. A nice diorama and that armoured car looks really believable! I had to read your text first before realizing it wasn't a vehicle from reality!



    • Thanks Magnus. It does look like it would be a brute. My friend said that it is so Indiana Jones looking. Maybe I'm watching to many of these flicks.
      Thank you for your kind words.
      California Steve

  4. Very pleasant! And a cool vehicle also!

  5. That's what you cobble together from spare parts? Wow, I knew all those boxes of spares I keep adding to could amount to something someday 🙂 ! Although anything I would put together wouldn't come out that nice. What a great little build and dio. Neat idea and very well executed.

  6. Paul, here is what I do sometimes. Now I have many years of spare parts. When I get a idea in my head I go shopping through the "stuff".

    I grab a empty model or shoe box and like this model I said OK, there is the body,and there are the wheels. Some shocks and a wench trailer hitch etc. Then the sheet plastic comes in to fill in the gaps.

    This seems to work for me. I also enjoy the freedom of designing my own Frankensteins. I have a few what if's I will post in the future.

    Now as they say. I want to be polite and not stink up the place. So this is it for a while. OK maybe for a while.

    Thanks again,

    California Steve

  7. I dunno, I'm not tired of seeing the results of you free-flow imagination.
    Your desert vehicle looks like a direct ancestor of todays mine resistant vehicles.

  8. Very imaginative and great modelling, too. Where did the other camel come from, Steve?

    • I went to a toy collectors show and this was with a bunch of circus animals. As soon as I saw it I knew it was a perfect scale. I asked the guy “how much” he said a dollar. Money was exchanged. Hit some of those toy shows, they are a hoot. Not only for modeling ideas and props but I saw some very expensive toys I used to have that were selling for big bucks. At one I purchased a Mercury space capsule kids liquid shampoo dispenser about 1/24th scale in the box for five dollars! I have been offered thirty. I won’t get rich but it some fun to have.

      California Steve

  9. You Sir have quite a knack with terrain. And quite the improvisor, too.

  10. Thank you Bill. I'm still thinking about your tank. You are probably tired of looking at by now. And I'm sure the cats are wise to your chasing them around. And the battery's are probably running low.
    So I say put it in a nice secure box and ship it to me.
    Here is my address ... Hello... where did you go Bill, Hello...Hello...Haa Haa!
    Thanks for your nice words Bill,
    California Steve

  11. Awesome Steve! Wish I had the ability to build a diorama. Fabulous build. Congrats.

  12. Beautiful Steve ! Again a perfectly arranged diorama ! 100%

  13. Steve, as on previous occasions, another interesting project, well executed.

  14. Love your dio's Steve. Always done with a lot of consideration in relation to the main model.

  15. I'll add my 2c for a creative and good-looking conversion of the vehicle, good work!

  16. And here I was thinking I was looking at some MRAP thingie and it turns out to be another one of Steve's brainstorms.
    Well done Sir, your ability to translate your vision into reality is something I surely wish I had.

    • Thank you Rick that means a lot. When I started this I was thinking like a desperate supply Sargent in the field. "Ok guys here is what we have. Now lets put this together and make her work". Well that was kind of the fantasy. It was fun.
      California steve

  17. Certainly one of the better dio's we've seen, Steve. Great job !

  18. CA Steve,
    Catching up on missed articles and I come to yours. You are a creative artist. Your work is always a joy to look at. Your brother in law has to be estatic receiving your dioramas. Beautiful.

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