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Scott Nelson
135 articles

Tamiya 1/72 FW 190

September 28, 2014 · in Aviation · · 23 · 2.8K

I very much enjoy building kits. Their ease of construction allows me to get to the part of modeling I enjoy most: painting and weathering. In this case I share my build of Tamiya's Focke Wulf Fw-190 A3.

The kit went together so well I needed no putty and very little sanding to smooth seams. I used Model Master paints for the RLM 74, 75, 76 camo scheme, adding about 15% white to each color for scale effect. I airbrushed the camo freehand with my Sotar 20/20. This was the first time I used my new Sotar and it worked like a charm. Pastel chalk powder was used to add some exhaust stains.

I found this to be a very satisfying build.

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10  Awesome

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

23 responses

  1. Never woulda guessed 1/72nd...nice work. 🙂

  2. Very nice finish on this, Scott, I guess you need a subtle way of applying the paint in 1/72, and airbrushing is the way to go, it would be very difficult using spray cans.

  3. Nice! Great finish on 1/72 and the addition of white worked well to get the right finish for scale. I have a couple of Tamiya 1/72 kits and hope they turn out as well as yours and I will take your advice on mixing the paint as well.

  4. Well done Scott, excellent finish.

  5. I wish I could paint the way you do Scott. Really nice.
    California Steve

  6. Excellent finish on this Scott.

  7. Excellent rendition of the Butcher Bird. Well done!

  8. A perfect result, the lighter colors made it look very realistic, the mottling is
    perfect as well !

  9. Nice build, Scott. Detailing is excellent in the scale.

  10. Great build and finish there Scott.
    Nicely done sir.

  11. Scott,
    Outstanding job. Your paint work is excellent.
    What a beautiful little model.

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