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Bill Koppos
123 articles

Tamiya Mark IV “Male” WW1 tank

September 13, 2014 · in Armor · · 26 · 4.3K

The one that started it all is Tamiya's first WW1 kit. And a beauty it is, molding, fit, packaging, all are top quality. And, it "Runs", having a little electric motor and drive, with track links that snap together perfectly, and stay snapped. All the builder has to do is follow the directions and he will have a great tank model. Even with the added motorization it took me three total evenings to get together, enjoying the whole time. The only glitch was that the little Phillips screwdriver they give you stripped right out, so I ended up using a busted-off X-Acto blade to put the sprockets together. (An eyeglass repair kit would have been better, but NO not this four-eyes, he doesn't have one).
My internet search showed the usual disagreements and indecision on British tank paints, but I saw the "Making Of" film for the movie "Warhorse" featuring a perfect replica of our baby, and I liked the way theirs looked, so I slavishly tried to copy that, using Humbrol, Model Master, Vallejo and Tamiya's weathering sticks. Link here...
When done it was time to take her out for a spin, so it went to the Kitchen table (Tamiya recommends NOT to run it in the dirt) for a test drive. It succeeded in scaring the cats and driving over my outstretched hand, passing the obstacle test.Fun fun fun all the way, the next tank will be boring by comparison I'm sure. Maybe I'll ask Santa for a Radio-Contolled Panzer IV!
The Video is here! I got it on this Vimeo site at Martin's suggestion (U-Tube was too complicated for my little brain)

Does it work? Is this thing on? Edited 9 hours later, too.

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

18 additional images. Click to enlarge.

26 responses

  1. Bill, interesting build. I know that Takom has also produced a male and female version but don't know how they compare to the Tamiya kit. Are you considering a terrain setting?

    • Yeah I'll whip up a quick Western Front eventually. Also have to build the 5 troops that accompany it, they are quite fine too. This thing is hot off the bench. Doesn't help the wife's got me in the middle of painting the room too.

  2. I have got to get one of these Bill! Fantastic weathering, really really nice.
    California Steve

    • Thanks Steve, but watch out for the price, it's hefty. No buying lunch for me for a couple of weeks. I've heard they may come out with a figureless release, saving some sheckles.

  3. Great build, Bill. This tank looks today like an alien ! These side mounted guns remind me on the second armanent from warships of this time.
    Churchills idea ?
    Tamiyas idea to motorize their 1/35 armour kits has come full circle,i guess
    the older had this motors too, remembering my first halftrack.
    Now you need a Challenger tank and all british tank generations are here
    Well done !

    • From what I see This thing was designed for a very specific purpose, to cross and enfilade trenches. Those side sponsons put the guns in a perfect position to sit astride a trench and fire into them on both sides. Doesn't hurt they happen to look cool too. Of course the long rhomboidal shape allowed trench hopping, later the big fascines were carried to help this. Too bad about the paper-thin armor!

  4. Great build there Bill, nice weathering and pics.
    Poignant at this time, with the WW1 being remembered.
    Well done mate.

  5. Very nicely finished, of the better weathering/detail builds I've seen. Excellent photography as well. Two thumbs up on this one. I expect we'll be seeing it again in a few weeks (wink, wink) - 😉

  6. It looks SO real. Magnificent! Can almost see that tank rumbling towards the German trenches at Cambrai.

  7. the ugly beast is sitting pretty

  8. I WANT ONE, great build Bill.

  9. That kit is definitely on my to do list. Excellent Job.

  10. All I can do is agree with everyone else. Looks great. Great weathering. Too bad the video couldn't be supported. I can keep an eye out on YouTube then, if you keep trying.

  11. That looks awesome Bill. I've been following the release of that kit in the Tamiya magazine, I had been wondering how long before we saw it here. Stunning weathering!

  12. Put me on the list of appreciative lookers Frank. Your weathering looks very realistic.
    Hopefully I can win one at a show raffle. Fraid I can't get myself to spend the kind of bucks it is selling for. I think HLJ might have the non-figure version but their S&H now puts the price right back up there.

  13. Bill I have a question. What's the gearing like? Does it take off at 70MPH? or does it crawl at a scale speed?
    California Steve

    • See for y'self, the Video is now posted above. I is a jeenyus! One speed only-SLOW. It's got some torque though, if your not careful it will get out of your hands if you don't stay clear of the tracks. I haven't had such fun with a model in years.

  14. Outstanding Bill, really came out nice. I bought one then took it back. Was just to expensive to sit in my stash for who knows how long, no matter how cool it is. Oh well, I hate when I get

  15. Really nice build ! good paint and weathering !

  16. Thanks for the video, makes me want to have this kit!

  17. Bill, thanks for posting this, the model looks fantastic, and your video is great, definitely shows the fun side of modelling!

  18. Bill,
    Love the build and love the video. Excellent job on the model

  19. Great job on that model - cool weathering too!

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