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Mike Grant
22 articles

Komatsu 1/48 Japanese Bulldozer

October 20, 2014 · in Armor · · 31 · 3.8K

This is the G40 , built a couple of years ago. It's the second 1/48 Tamiya armour kit I've done and I can't say enough about how nice they are. This is stress-free modelling at its best: every piece just slots into place as it should, detail is sharp, the tracks are one-piece styrene mouldings and the whole package exudes quality.

After just a couple of evenings the model was ready for the fun stages, painting and . I used the salt technique for the random, organic rust on the blade and the patchy paintwork on the hood, but most of the chipping and scratching was just painted on with dark-brown Vallejo acrylic and a fine brush. Pigments, a silver pencil and watercolours were also pressed into service.

Reader reactions:
14  Awesome

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31 responses

  1. This little gem cries out to be part of a diorama. I love the weathering. Absolutely SUPERB !

  2. Looks really sweet Mike.
    As Morne pointed out, it would look great in a diorama.

  3. Well done, sir...well done indeed.

  4. Looks ready to go to work Mike.
    Very sharp.

  5. Oh my! Everything that runs on caterpillar tracks pulls my strudel! If I wasn't a mechanical engineer, I probably would have liked to operate some kind of modern counterpart to your model! Lovely!



  6. Incredible.
    The shield looks almost like you have supernatural powers, Mike.

  7. Amazing! That is unreal! You certainly have a talent Mike!

  8. Great weathering Mike. Looks like she did her share of hard work.
    Very impressive.
    California Steve

  9. Thats awesome, Mike, look like a real one, GREAT !

  10. Great job, excellent weathering application!

  11. Really neat looking little model, like the others have said, the finish and weathering if terrific, but, it definitely cries for some kind of diorama setting.

  12. Outstanding Mike, superb finish

  13. Great job Mike!

  14. Very realistic. Those tracks are posed perfectly, look just like the John Deere 350 Dozers I used to work on.

  15. Bill,
    A beautiful little model. It looks almost real...
    Except for that paint bottle.

  16. I love the paint chipping and the rust. Outstanding work. Makes me want to buy one and build it!

    (It's interesting, the model manufacturer molded in the name "KOMATU" instead of "KOMATSU". Copyright workaround?)

  17. Built and weathered to perfection!

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