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Gary Brantley
44 articles

Philippines Air Force Northrop F-5A Freedom Fighter

November 17, 2014 · in Aviation · · 22 · 5.5K

I have always loved the lines of the Northrop . Sleek and elegant with that great area-ruled fuselage, it is a real classic. This model is the one that was built concurrent with my Iraqi MiG-21MF. The kit is the ancient (ex-Hawk?) F5-A. It's not much of a build but I've always loved the look of this series and all the variants. One of the nice pilots I met at the Rockdale airport told me he had trained in the T-38 and said how much he had enjoyed it...he said, "hey, they're still using it today so something must be right!" 😀

This model was built back about 1992 (back when I was working a kit almost everyday). I'd love to build at that pace again; perhaps the muse will strike again soon. Heaven knows I have a huge backlog to work with! The paint was Floquil Bright Silver and the decals came with the kit. I used the pilot figure to take up space in the oh-so sparse cockpit. It's another model that had never been photographed until I hauled it, along with five others, over to Rockdale back in August. It was a beautiful day, although the wind did get a bit gusty but that wasn't a problem with the amount of ballast stuck in the nose of this one! Oh, you might note that it is missing one of its 20mm nose cannons. Oh well. Que sera sera! Thanks for taking a look, comments are always welcome... but you all knew that. 🙂

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