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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

SWMBO got it right!

December 26, 2014 · in Uncategorized · · 6 · 1.4K

And within 20 minutes of opening the present and checking out the book, I solved a major mystery: 3 decal sheets for Butch Davenport's "Lonesome Polecat" and each one different. Which was right? They all were! He had three airplanes, all with the same name, two with the same number. Highly helpful with the current project.

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1  Awesome

6 responses

  1. Phew! I'd hate to get your name in a Secret Santa! Methinks you'd be a tough crowd...

    Seriously, looking forward to the project details.

  2. Can't wait to see the finished project! Should be a stunner!

  3. Any reference is good and looks like another well built kit coming up.

  4. Work in Progress pictures would be appreciated!

  5. Yeah, taking a bunch of pix. For some reason, this kit fought back most of the way to final assembly, in a couple places it was brute force over matter. Which was different than I remember the F4U-1 being. But once the paint is on, you don't see any of that.

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