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Bill Koppos
122 articles

It’s not to late… to Whippet… Whippet good…

February 22, 2015 · in Uncategorized · · 18 · 1.9K

Sorry my Devo is showing. My first finished model in a while is 's old , a Christmas gift from my kid. A British WW1 "exploitation" "tank", this was designed to be the fast vehicle to drive thru holes punched in the line by the big "Rhomboid" tanks, hence named after the fast canine. Clever, eh? The ancient model went together surprisingly well, I was really surprised by the ugly rubber tracks, which glued together fine with Tenax liquid cement, despite some molding flaws on one run. I slapped it together only using what was in the box, finish is Humbrol #26 Khaki and Tamiya weathering sticks. The decals turned out to be WAY big, so the flashes, B/6's and IX's are hand painted with Vallejo white.

"Crack that Whip"...Cal Steve will get this, I know it.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

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18 responses

  1. I half-expected to see a red flower pot somewhere in the photos... 🙂

  2. Not sure about Craig , maybe a tea pot and kettle LOL.
    Lovely build the mate.
    Looks great.

  3. Great model Bill! Really nice! The rest of you guys are cracking me up. I haven't watched this video in a while. It still retains the goofyness it was intended to deliver. Too much fun.
    California Steve (deep in the man cave working on a secret project)

  4. Never heard of one of these. How fast were they?

  5. Supperb weathering. Awesome build!

  6. Love the name, love the model!

  7. Nice build and a great paint job and weathering.
    I like the bleached red white stripes.

  8. Definitely needs a vignette base to set off your workmanship. Great looking model.

  9. The build is great, the tank design is funny looking, and the Devo comments are even funnier. Weird Al did a video tribute to Devo called "Dare to be Stupid", it's better than the "Whip It" video.

  10. A good modeller don t need a new tool wonder kit to build an outstanfing kit!
    Great looking Whippet

  11. Bill,
    Great model, nicely done.

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