1/48 Hasegawa Spitfire MkIXc French markings. Germany April 1945
Hope you like. I love something a little different in a Spitfire. Love the yellow tail in particular. I used 1/48 Montex masks for the markings, and used spare decals for thé roundels. Painted the tail and all yellow areas with tamiya tape.
Last Spitfire for a while. Dornier Do 215B-5 next.
Very nice and colourful Paul, I've never seen those markings before.
Thanks mate. I was drawn to them as soon as I first saw them.
A really striking model, Paul.
Thank you.
Good work, the markings are very attractive.
Thank you.
Paul, where did you get the scheme? It's quite striking, combo of the Vichy-like yellow tail, and the early Typhoon yellow wing stripes, added to the ADGB leading edge markings.
Never have seen this, before.
Are there decals for this one?
From what I can see in those two photos there that depict the paint/decal placement, that particular scheme apparently was included in the kit I'd say.
The decals are Montex masks, spares and painted all the yellow areas and tail section. The rail section is what got me into this scheme. Love it.
A unique looking Spitfire, very nice.Thanks for sharing.
Thank you.
Excellent. I love the scheme and it looks great on a Spit.
Thank you.
Great looking Spitfire, Paul. Great choice of markings, your masking worked much better than my last try with Blue Tack.
Thank you. Keep trying with the blue tac. I think it's the best way to mask this type of camo. They used to put masking mats down and paint, giving it a hard edge.
I like your masking order and technique. I usually do the small yellow bits and other small areas last but I will do it your way from now on. Great scheme. Good build.Thanks.
Thank you. I've been experimenting, which way is best etc. if it's just the yellow leading edges I'd do it last. This build had so much yellow, I felt it was easier to do it first. Masking is definitely easier doing it last though. Good luck.
Lovely Spitfire Paul.
Nice to see in different markings as well.
Thank you.
I enjoy unusual markings, and this is a very nice subject. Well done on the paint, markings and weathering (subtle).
as al ways...neat scheme