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Paul van Acker
120 articles

1/48 Hasegawa Spitfire MkIXc French markings. Germany April 1945

March 21, 2015 · in Aviation · · 21 · 2.4K

Hope you like. I love something a little different in a . Love the yellow tail in particular. I used Montex masks for the markings, and used spare decals for thé roundels. Painted the tail and all yellow areas with tamiya tape.

Last Spitfire for a while. Dornier Do 215B-5 next. 🙂

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

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21 responses

  1. Very nice and colourful Paul, I've never seen those markings before.

  2. A really striking model, Paul.

  3. Good work, the markings are very attractive.

  4. Paul, where did you get the scheme? It's quite striking, combo of the Vichy-like yellow tail, and the early Typhoon yellow wing stripes, added to the ADGB leading edge markings.
    Never have seen this, before.
    Are there decals for this one?

  5. A unique looking Spitfire, very nice.Thanks for sharing.

  6. Paul,
    Excellent. I love the scheme and it looks great on a Spit.

  7. Great looking Spitfire, Paul. Great choice of markings, your masking worked much better than my last try with Blue Tack.

    • Thank you. Keep trying with the blue tac. I think it's the best way to mask this type of camo. They used to put masking mats down and paint, giving it a hard edge. 🙂

  8. I like your masking order and technique. I usually do the small yellow bits and other small areas last but I will do it your way from now on. Great scheme. Good build.Thanks.

    • Thank you. I've been experimenting, which way is best etc. if it's just the yellow leading edges I'd do it last. This build had so much yellow, I felt it was easier to do it first. Masking is definitely easier doing it last though. Good luck. 🙂

  9. Lovely Spitfire Paul.
    Nice to see in different markings as well.

  10. I enjoy unusual markings, and this is a very nice subject. Well done on the paint, markings and weathering (subtle).

  11. as al ways...neat scheme

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