Ah, Smithers, Revenge is a sweet thing... And a Rat-Tat-Tat!
Single photo. OK two. This just came together. I am really working on a real model... Really..
California Steve
Single photo. OK two. This just came together. I am really working on a real model... Really..
California Steve
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Greetings :
I just finished replying to all who commentated on my recent post, upon getting ready to log off, I saw this.
It made me laugh, very original, that is a nice one to see ... thank you.
A "real model", you say...? I've seen stuff on here of late that cannot be put into that category.
But Craig I promise I am working on a very serious, down to earth
Manly Man model.
California Steve
OK...but no LED lights will be allowed, you hear..?!
Hey Craig, I am in the process of doing a Very large dio for my brother in law's 1/25th scale King and Country tank models. Maybe I should post the process of this project.
California Steve
To DE...And your Sterling Marlin model is just the best. I am glad you got a laugh.
I am really working on a real model, Really!
California Steve
I am sure Bart and Homer are in hot pursuit. Bart as pilot and Homer, drinking a cold Budweiser, firing the 50 cals.

Rumor has it that Homer is a Duff beer man.
Now a man in a Buff with a Duff would a interesting model.
Thanks Morne,
California Steve
Duff beer ! I should have known that, having watched the Simpson for many years!
Isn't that the beer that makes bucolic locals BLIND?
Betcha thought I was gonna say hillbillies! That was close! Ooops!
I love it , we need a full shot of this 109 . Great idea .
Thanks Gary, How about the 109 full of shot?
Thanks for the nice words,
California Steve
Perhaps more suited to a Hasagawa egg plane...
Rob, with Mr.Burns egg head it would look like a scary omelet!
California Steve
Truely like it!
Thanks Maurits, some times you have to goof around.
California Steve
Montgomery Burns to Smithers, do you hear me , damn you Smithers.
Looking good Steve.
Keep on the Donuts.
Doh!...Thanks Simon.
California Steve
Well that just about sums it up Greg.
Thanks for the nice reply.
California Steve
What in the name of the Wide World of Sports is going on here? You ought to be run out of town on blazing saddles for work like this!
Candy gram for Mikie!---- Candy gram for Mikey!
If I had to choose one movie it be this. And this was one of the best lines.
You had me cracking up.
California Steve
HEy,I like Your style!

Gabor Szabo, What a great name. I got stuck with Steve.
I am glad it made you smile.
Thanks Gabor,
California Steve
Thanks for keeping us down to earth, Steve, sometimes it all gets just that bit too serious.
Thanks George. Sometimes I just have to sacrifice my dignity in the name of modeling. Ah the life of a plastic martyr. Haa Haa!
I am glad you like.
California Steve
Actually I think this is my neighbor but I didn't know he had a 109. He's a little weird but he's not a bad guy. He will be anxious to see this completed.
Well actually Frank it is about as far as this one goes. I purchased this Huge 1/16 scale 109 because it was priced at about $15.00 at a thrift store.
It is from 21st Century and came painted and complete. When I saw the Mr. Burns at a 99 cent store it just came together.
Sorry about your neighbor. But at least he sounds like a nice fellow.
California Steve
This takes "Loose the hounds!" to a whole new level, Steve!
You are my kinda guy!
Thanks Bernard, So you have been to the Burns estate, unannounced!
Like I said, sometimes you just have to have some fun.
I really am working in a serious model. Really!
California Steve
5 stars, Steve ! I needed a smile today !
Thank you Joe, Glad to be of help.
California Steve
Thats great, Steve. Love it, modelling with a sense of humor. Like the Simpsons very much !
Thanks Bernd, I just don't know what came over me. Haa Haa!
California Steve