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Brian Scott
79 articles

1/48 Tamiya Preping for night mission over Germany

April 2, 2015 · in Uncategorized · · 11 · 1.8K

Well Mosquito diorama complete. This was very enjoyable and fun experience . Tamiya Mosquito , Tilly Truck and figures. Starter and fuel cart by Promodeler. All painted with Tamiya paints.

Cheers Brian

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

11 responses

  1. Nice job with that, Brian...I like it.

  2. Brian, a nicely set out dio. It makes a difference to the viewer to have an asymmetrical arrangement, as it adds visual interest without looking cluttered. Well done!

  3. Nice dio, Brian

  4. Beautiful work, i guess it is 1/72 ? Figures are very expressive and vehicle very well painted.

  5. Great Dio Brian.
    Sets the scene well.

  6. Turned out well, Brian, nice pictures, too.

  7. Nicely done. The black birds are harder to make interesting in my opinion since not as colorful, but set in a nice diorama really helps. Your finish work was well done also.

  8. Brian, came together well, and I love the figures. Just enough interest, without cluttering up the scene. Rolling Stones aircraft!

  9. Thank you all for the kind comments 🙂

    Cheers Brian

  10. I would say that your diorama was well thought out. Everything is placed just so. No waste of space. Well done overall. I would try to glue down those hoses a bit as they look as if they are defying gravity.

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