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Ulf Lundberg
73 articles


April 27, 2015 · in Ships · · 10 · 3.5K

Having finished four german capital ships of WW2, it was time to complement my german collection with some subs. I chose to build one from each important class.

The Typ VIIc was the workhorse of the german navy and bore the brunt of the fighting in the Atlantic.

The Typ IX U-Boot was the long range sub that was successfully deployed along the US east coast and in the Caribbean and also, less well known, in a raid against the shipping around Cape Good Hope.

By mid 1943 these two types were no longer able to wage an effective war against the allied shipping. The counter measures in the form of large numbers of radar equipped aircraft and large numbers of well armed escorts equipped with ever more sophisticated devices to track the german radio traffic plus the breaking of the Enigma code, caused the german losses to .

The answer was Typ XXI U-Boot. It was the first real submarine designed to be able to run submerged at high speeds for long periods of time. All subsequent submarines designs until the nuclear powered ones can be said to be based upon the Typ XXI.

I built all three kits basically out of the box, only replacing fine caliber gun barrels with 0,2 mm guitar string and adding rigging.

The Typ VIIc kit from was really nice to build. Everything went together without a snag.

The Typ XII kit from was also good, but not quite up to the standard that I've come to expect from them.

The Typ XXI kit from AFV Model Club is also good but not really spectacular.

I painted them using my usual method of spraying thin half transparent layers of different nuances in uneven patterns, The rust streaks were done with artists oils.

I finished the models in November 2013 and apparently I was very eager to photograph them since I forgot to paint the isolators in the rigging. I discovered it after I had taken the photos and subsequently painted the isolators grey.

Interestingly, U-Boote of all these classes have been preserved as museum ships.
In Kiel Germany there is a Typ VIIc in its original state to be seen.

In Chicago the U 505, a Typ IX U-Boot that was captured by the US Navy can be seen in the Museum of Science and Industry.

In Bremerhaven a Typ XXI U-Boot is kept as a museum ship, but unfortunately not in her wartime state. She was rebuilt and used as a training ship after the war.

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6  Awesome

17 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Very nice work, Ulf...very nice indeed.

  2. An interesting set, Ulf. All of course finished to your usual high standard.

    I'm about to start Academy's 1/350 USS
    Indianapolis CA35. The kit is the 'premium' edition that includes PE sets and AFV's IJN I-58 submarine, detailed-up.

  3. Outstanding again. Your paint techiques make even the plain Jane XXI look fabulous.

  4. Nicely Done Ulf, i wish i could work in this scale but mi fingers are to fat and my eyes dont like it very well done mate.

  5. Awesome. 🙂

  6. Ulf,
    I continue to be in awe of your skill at ship building. I always enjoy looking at your models. These subs are beautiful examples of your skills.
    Submarines fascinate me and my hat is off to any person that has, or is now serving on a Sub. My only experience being in a Sub was a walk through of the "Pampanino" tied up to a dock in SF. Again great job.

  7. Stunning work Ulf, yet again .
    They look wonderful sir.

  8. Nice models! Evolution of the sharks... Currently I'm building a Revell XXI with interior - nasty model!

  9. Lovely models Ulf. They all look completely real!
    I nearly bought a sub the other week, but had to put it back down again, too many projects on the go unfortunately. I think I'll try a sub before a ship though when the time is right. They look like they would be good practice to get the nautical paint and weathering techniques down.

  10. Great work Ulf, a fine example of naval modeling. This an inspiration to me to do a "series of
    subs" I recently completed a 1/350 Hobby Boss - Russian Akula sub. They'll be more Russian
    boats to build in the coming months, looking forward to the challenge.

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