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California Steve
62 articles

As promised…Winter dio with my clients tanks & stuff.

May 31, 2015 · in Uncategorized · · 20 · 1.5K

My client is my brother n law. I also included all of the dioramas I have built for him. Along with some photos of his WW II collection of German uniforms and helmets and things.

Note the tan jacket is made out of tent material. His collection has just been appraised at $80.000. And no he is not a Nazi, but a historian. His models are all from King and Country and are very expensive. He does not glue. Sorry about the phone pics. But my camera (a new Fujifilm) was borrowed without my permission. Someone in my family will be washing my truck for the next few months. It's all good though.

I hope you enjoy.

California Steve

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

18 additional images. Click to enlarge.

20 responses

  1. Thanks, Steve!
    Beautiful work throughout!

  2. Thanks Bernard, but you guys deserve better photos. You still get the idea.
    Thanks again.
    California Steve

  3. Pretty cool! I have several King and Country metal figures I bought years ago at King and Country in Hong Kong. Last time I was there though they had stopped producing traditional metal soldiers and were only selling the plastic ones. They are pretty sweet though and yes very expensive even in Hong Kong!

  4. Hey Rob, They are going strong. I went to a (toy) show with my brother a few month ago and they had the Sherman from Kelly's Heroes. The one with the loud speakers. And it was very cool, down to Donald Southerland in the turret. They are also doing aircraft. but these are just a little weird dimension wise.
    California Steve

  5. Those well-crafted dioramas fit right in with his collection. $80K, huh?
    That'd buy a lotta models, wouldn't it? LOL

  6. Hello Craig, yes that would buy a lot of models. Sorry about the pics.
    He started purchasing his collection many years ago. We went to a collectors meet at the LA fairgrounds about a month ago. The prices they were asking for the most mundane articles was insane. He was thrilled about the winter dio. Like a little kid with a new toy. That made me happy.
    Thanks for the nice words.
    California Steve

  7. Greetings :
    Very nice and interesting concept. It is a good diorama too see and the work involved shows itself. I can relate to your happy moment. It always makes me feel good and get a feeling of accomplishment when one sees the clients expression, that is a very good feeling.
    Good work.

  8. You got there in the end, Steve. Not familiar with K&C - is it that the figures are white metal and are purchased pre-painted? Anyway, some nice touches in evidence. Assuming all is 1/35, is the base about 60cm square? Just trying to gauge the overall size.

    • Thanks Rob. Some of the early ones are metal. and some of the later are resin. In the snow scene the white tank is a early release. Compare it to the other and you can see how they kicked up the detailing. The scale is just a smidge larger that 1/35.
      And everything comes from the factory pre-painted and detailed.
      California Steve

  9. said on June 1, 2015

    Very impressove as always! His collection of militaria is impressive indeed! Well done!

  10. Thanks Morne, And these are just the pieces he has on display.
    As I mentioned in a previous article. My reward comes in the form of a very nice dinner.
    California Steve

  11. A fine collection of memorabilia your brother in law has thee , and you get a nice meal out of it too.
    Cannot be to bad .

  12. Thanks for sharing these pictures with us, Steve, all very interesting.

  13. Thanks George, This whole room is just for his collection. I have taken some of my friends by to see the goodies and usually spend an average there of three hours. My brother n law is very cool about letting most folks handle some of his pieces. To see it is one thing but to hold and inspect the helmets etc. now that's fun.
    California Steve

  14. The pictures show clearly the great quality of these dioramas, great work.
    Great collection !

  15. Thanks Bernd. It was fun to add a little something to his collection.
    California Steve

  16. Fantastic diorama in the end mate, lots to look at!

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