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Marc Barris
97 articles

SAAF Harvard

May 15, 2015 · in Aviation · · 32 · 3K

This is a scale built from the kit. I Scratch built the engine and opened the side access panel by the cockpit and added additional detail, I really enjoyed building this icon of South African Aviation.

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

32 responses

  1. Marc, a striking and inventive project. You've clearly put a lot of thought into this build. Very nice indeed.

  2. A fine build sir, I like the opened panels, shows off the hard work inside.

  3. Fabulous job. You've got bits missing on the

  4. It looks excellent, Marc, that interior detail is exceptional.

  5. Very nice indeed, sir...I'd wanted to build one of these since it came out, but due to the Kitty Hawk name (of which there has been much "discussion") and the fact that I had an F-35B kit that didn't fit worth a ****, I hesitated to give KH another go. ๐Ÿ™

    Tell me...were there any major fit issues you encountered? I don't care about how "accurate" it is - yes, I've heard THAT discussion as well - I just wanna know if it FITS without having to do a ton of "plastic surgery". Yours looks great, Marc...was it an uneventful build or did you encounter frustrating moments? lol ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Not too bad at all Craig, I did a little surgery to get it to fit, but not too bad, I rebuilt the engine as I felt it needed more detail, I will take a pic when I get home and send it to you (working in the Congo at the moment) but it was an enjoyable build. I have just ordered an OV 10 from Kitty Hawk, so I hope that it will go together without a hitch.

  6. Very nice, and an unusual subject/scheme, which is always nice to see. Great work!

  7. Nice build! Considering the amount of marking options available, I suppose you could live a full modelling life without ever doing anything besides Harvards ๐Ÿ™‚ !



  8. Cracking build, the details are really amazing

  9. Wow! Impressive build Marc.

  10. You nailed this one Marc! Just fantastic.
    California Steve

  11. Thanks Steve, trying to get to the perfect model, I life long quest.

  12. Marc, you are modest as always. Brilliant build. When you are back i will take some photos of your work to share here.

  13. Marc, Really nice looking / interesting model. I like the way you opened it up and the unusual but attractive markings. Good job.

  14. Great job, many memories! The trim wheels are one, for rudder and elevator. Elevator was powerful and sensitive, not so the rudder trim. You had to run the rudder trim full forward on a touch and go landing, going to full power to take off. If you grabbed the wrong one (easy to do as you look at the old world ergonomics, trim wheels side by side, look identical!) you would get this sudden powerful nose down stick force instead of the expected gentle slipstream yaw correction, of the rudder trim. Not good when tail up with the prop tips close to the ground, during a touch and go!Rolling the wrong trim wheel was always guaranteed to cause language that would set your helmet earphones on fire, from the instructor in the rear seat!

  15. An awesome build of a true icon of South African aviation and aviation in general ! Great job Marc. I am looking forward to more of your models!

  16. Wow, that is a lot of intricate work! it looks like it could be started up and flown away - great work!

  17. Thanks for the nice comment Ramon.

  18. Marc ,
    A belated but nonetheless a very sincere compliment on this model. I have seen the kit and have also heard all of the horror stories regarding KH. If there were any problems and you ran across them, you certainly mastered them. This model is gorgeous.

  19. Hi Frank, thanks for the kind words, I have added more pics of the Harvard showing the engine detail. hope you enjoy them. Cheers. Marc.

  20. "Master Modeler"

  21. Thank you so much for the compliment Dirk

  22. This is a fantastic build, @marc! Attention to detail is simply outstanding!
    All the best!

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