Shagbat MK I. 1:72 – Matchbox
This is my "happy modelling became heroic modelling" attempt to have another ugly biplane in my collection. I chose the old 1/72 Matchbox/Revell Supermarine Walrus, because I had good memories about this kit from my childhood (and later a restoration project that failed because the model crashed - family accident). I wondered what can be done with this kit with some 20 years experience under my belt. Beside this, I think the Classic Airframes' Walrus was too expensive, and Valom was a short run (somehow I don't really like their kits).
The Matchbox is a real "tabula rasa" to make improvements but the basics are fair enough to start with. So, let's start sanding, scribing, scratching
Gabor, this is awesome work. I have this kit in my stash and If you ever decide to market an update set for the Matchbox Walrus I'd be one of your first customers. Really love the photos of the build, and I'm looking forward to seeing the finished results.
Really nice work on an old kit.
Looks fantastic.
Thank You! Matchbox biplanes are all nice kits if basic a bit in term of details.
Sometimes nostalgia plays a part as well.
Some of the Matchbox kits were not that bad, covering planes the others didn`t,
Thank You very much! Its unlikely that I can make an update set for this kit, but if You interested I can send You an engine and a canopy - these are remnants of my build.
Awesome work...very nice set of photos as well.
Great attention to detail, especially the engine, very nice.
Interesting project, good luck with that one
Clearly not a project for the faint hearted. Superb updating of this old kit, although I personally think the heavy tapering lines on the wings takes away some of the point of your fine work, but as you say, Matchbox is a good starting place for the AMS modeller.
Thanks! Thewing surfaces were sanded down approx. half way and polished up again. We'll see what it's like after painting but currently I'm satisfied with it. As You may see I rescribed (on some places made positive paneling from heated sprue) and riveted the surface (rivets only on the fuselage naturally) and reworked the ailerons aswell.
Gabor, like Marek, I also have this kit in my stash. I love you're work and will use it as a reference for what I do (although I know I won't come close to the lovely detail you've done). I look forward to seeing this finished!
Thank You! I used the Mushroom Yellow Series book (Stranraer&Walrus) as reference for the project (I have a Stranraer in my stash but that would be a huuuge project). Useful book but the drawings could be more accurate especially for the walrus (the top wing dihedral for example totally wrong).
Masterful work, especially at that scale!
Thank You! Recently I turned to 1:48 but my old favourite is the "true scale" - I planned a diorama with this bird and this size helps a lot
Gábor! Beautiful detail work! And the Walrus was one of the better Matchbox kits I think, most of the biplanes were really good! I really look forward to the final result!
Thanks, I like these old Matchboxes - I learnt a lot about modelling on them - and the biplanes still woth the effort
Looking good...
i can't find any words...again and again whenever i see your builds
Thank You Milán!