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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

New Airfix kits

June 10, 2015 · in Aviation · · 12 · 2.3K

Just received the review kit of the new I (Hornby USA not having its head up its posterior about review kits, as Hornby UK has done). In case you were wondering, it's as beautiful as the new Mk. V, and definitely the best Mk.I in any scale. Decals for 19 Squadron circa the Munich Crisis with a Watts 2-blade prop, 602 Squadron circa August 1940, and 57 OTU in 1941.

Also got the I, which is definitely the best Hurricane I out there, and can be done as a BoB Hurricane I, a Hurricane I Trop, or a Sea Hurricane Ib with the parts in the box.

Continuing the BoB theme, the was tucked in the corner of the box. Thanks to my government-paid, bureaucrat-run Veterans Administration healthcare, I now have a right eye that went from 20/400 to 20/20 with the lens replacement (the other w as always 20/20), and now see as well as I did 30 years ago, so 1/72 is no longer beyond the range of possibility. A good thing, since this is the best Defiant in any scale.

You can buy all three in confidence. Airfix is definitely out to run the table in 2015.

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12 responses

  1. Just received both the 1/48 Spitfire and Hurricane from Spruebrothers. I guess it is just a matter of opinion, but I would not say either one of them is the best offering out there. However, I would say both are just as good as any offering out there and at a much better price. The Defiant looks really good from all the reviews/buildups I have seen. I do not build 1/72 though. Hopefully Airfix will produce this kit in 1/48 before I decide to build up my Classic Airframes offering.

    • I've actually just completed assembly of the first of the three models I am going to do from the kit, and I can say from the experience of having done every other 1/48 Hurricane that's ever been out there that this is the best. No "hills and valleys" in the rear fuselage, all the shapes are right. It's the only kit that gives you the lower rear fuselage to do a Sea Hurricane out of the box. As for the Spitfire, it isn't "fat" like the Tamiya kit, has a fully-enclosed cockpit tub (unlike the Tamiya) and the wings are the right elliptical shape. Having done the Mk. V, I am sure this is going to turn out equally nice. And as you mentioned, the price is definitely right.

      I haven't done 1/72 in a long time (since I couldn't see to do it), but I am in the midst of their Do-17Z right now, and it has all the detail one would expect in a 1/48 kit, really amazing.

  2. I had in my hands the Hurricane, and i must say i was impressed with the execution of the details and surfaces

  3. Profile Photo
    P.k said on June 11, 2015

    All three of these are true kit and all I recommend buying and
    build more satisfaction as Chinese kit (hobby B,Trum..)

    the first good spitfire mk.1 in 1748 & Hurrican MkI.


  4. They are all great kits, particularly the Hurricane which gives you a lot of detail OOTB for your money.

  5. I just ordered mine from
    Will be comparing them to the Tamiya/Italeri ones
    Their previous rendition of the Mk I Spitfire had a tail that was too small. I borrowed the propeller to retrofit a Tamiya Mk II to a Mk I using Spitfire of the Aces decal sheet. All good stuff!

    • The earlier Spitfire I was a "halfway house" Airfix kit, based on the old Mk. V kit from the 70s. This is all new, like the new Mk. V kit that came out last year.

  6. Just compared the Airfix Hurricane with the Italeri Hurricane. Overall, both kits run neck and neck with details and such. The Italeri Hurricane gives the modeler a full engine compartment and figures (if you purchase the Tamiya re-pop). The Airfix Hurricane gives the modeler full gun bays. I think the real deciding factor will be price with the Airfix offering going for $20.00 which is about half of what the Italeri kit goes for. Personally, I say buy them both if you can afford to. You cannot have too many Hurricanes

    • Don't forget that the Airfix kit has the arrestor hook for the sea Hurricane. The Italeri kit has some different wheel hubs the metal parts ...the rims look a bit odd. Plus, the Airfix kit has several different props and spinner combos. Even,if the two kits are neck in neck in the modeling race...the winner is the cheaper kit. If the quality is the same and you can darn near get 2 for 1...for my money is on the English kit.

      • You won't get any arguments from me. I got the Italeri kit as a birthday gift. I purchased the Airfix kit. If I had a choice of which I had to purchase, it would be the cheaper Airfix kit hands down.

  7. hmmm, a 1/72 Defiant, I indulge a little in the gentleman's scale, and I must say the mere thought of plopping down a nifty little Defiant at one of local shows definitely intrigues me.

  8. Very interesting, I've been impressed with the Airfix new releases, the new 1/72 Swordfish being one I have bought. So well priced too. Great to see this modernisation of some old gems by Airfix, will have to look at buying the Hurricane and Spitfire. Now all I'm waiting for is the updating and re-issue kit of their 1/24th scale Spitfire MkI...with wheel wells detail, gun bay detail, plus the cockpit floor area brought up to modern speck...come on Airfix!

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