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Rob Anderson
204 articles

Gentlemen take your seats……The C-2 build continues

July 20, 2015 · in Uncategorized · · 7 · 1.4K

The seats in the C-2 are pretty, well, poor. I only used the headrests, which I still modified quite a bit. The new ones are scratch built using pictures I took in Bahrain while on Det in VRC 30 (A gallery of my C-2A pictures is available over on Cybermodeler for anyone interested). Of course some brew helped, but my dog Parker was less than impressed by the whole business!

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5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. Rob, my impression of Kinetics seats is that they seem basic. I've got their E-2 with the wierd props. (do they sound as strange as they look?) Yours are a marvelous improvement, plus you actually know what they are supposed to look like.
    Animals sleep in the strangest positions. You didn't give him beer, did you?
    Them beer bottles are real artistic. Your glass collection is right up there with them. All in all, particularly for an Irishman, a visual treat on all sorts of levels.

  2. Thanks Bernard! Yep the "octo" props sound like a swarm of bees. They were just retro fitting them to the C-2 fleet as I was transferring out of VRC 30. As for the seats the E-2 and C-2 use the same seat, the difference is the E-2 has a parachute for the seat back, rather than the cushion on C-2s. The harness is also a bit different because of that. I was a Plane Captain in E-2s and one of my duties was to inspect the seat, chute and harness, then get them set for the crew. The seats in the rear of the E-2 are identical to the two in front. C-2 crews only have parachutes aboard when flying post maintenance check flights. The idea is since they carry passengers, the aircrew is expected to stay with the aircraft and passengers should the plane go down.

  3. Rob, thanks for the gouge. Noted. Stay with the plane, huh? Hard core stuff!

  4. That is one very small dog or one very large cat bed (or both) - nice job on those seats, by the way.

  5. Parker is not too big as dogs go 🙂

  6. Are those belts foil? I enlarged them but still wasn't sure...

  7. The belts are foil off of a yogurt container, with buckles made of plastic card.

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