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RKR Varyag

August 14, 2019 · in Ships · · 7 · 2.2K

1/350 Varyag

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome 1  1 

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7 responses

  1. Looks like the fleets' in, some great sea going builds here, nice!

  2. Looks a lot cleaner than most Russian ships I ever saw in the flesh. That navy never practiced "If it moves, salute it, and if it doesn't move, paint it."

    Beautiful model, great detail and finish.

  3. Another beautifully executed ship!


  4. incredible detail

  5. Wow - just went through all your ship posts - incredible work - love the weathering, rigging, detailing, etc, etc, etc... A master craftsman on display!

  6. Two ships from two different eras look good next to each other!

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