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Greg Kittinger
125 articles

Phantom II Group Build Gallery

August 15, 2016 · in Aviation · · 13 · 2K

Thanks to all who participated! There was great conversation - swapping of warnings, tips and tricks in the groups area, along with some cajoling and support along the way!

Below are the pics of those who made the deadline, and there are a few who are still plugging away (and poor Rob - had to pack his kit up and wait for the movers to show up!). I just grabbed a single pic from each individual post to line them all up below.

Fun had by all, and GREAT looking finished models. Congratulations to all!

Allan Withers F4-E

Allan Withers almost finished F4-J

Bob Mack F4-J

Honorable mention - Christian Ristits joined iModeler just recently, so didn't really participate in the group build but was inspired to post a couple of builds when he saw all the lovely Phantoms going up - couldn't resist is lovely Sundowners F4-B

Chuck Villanueva F4-G

Craig Abrahamson (first one done!) F4-C

David Mills F4-E

Dirk Derks F4-K

Dmitry Stropalev F4-F

Greg Kittinger RF-4E

John Healy FG.1

Ralph Clements F4-J

Robert Royes F4-J

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

13 responses

  1. Congrats everyone!

  2. Fabulous work everyone, the lunch weekend was indeed a joy to follow. And special thanks to you Greg for managing the group build!

  3. What a great Collection of Phantoms, every single build is a beauty!

  4. Well done all.
    And thank you Greg for setting this GB up.

  5. Thanks for puttin' 'em all up, Greg - so...what's next?

    • Well...I thought folks might want a break before taking on another GB, but if there's interest, I'm always happy to coordinate! My local club is doing a GB now - Wet Willy (anything associated with the water by function or name), due in February. I'm doing a BV 138 and an E7K1 Alf. You're welcome to join in via iModeler if you'd like!

  6. Nicely done everyone. Really enjoyed the pics, some really exceptional work.

  7. Some very interesting interpretations of the Phantom! Cheers for organising it Greg. I'm wishing I built one now!

  8. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :

    As I sit here in front of the screen, I can't help it but feel in awe of such exceptional builds, my hat ( if I were wearing one ... 😀 ... ) is off to all of you.

    The sight of a PHANTOM is and always will be a impressive one as well as intimidating. Just the frontal view with it's cavernous intakes in it's shoulders sets one apart.

    These all are very nice builds, I am having a great time just watching them.

    Greg ... thank you for organizing this, keep on modeling guy's.

  9. A great collection of Phantoms, well done everyone and thanks again to Greg for putting this together.

  10. hats off to Greg

  11. Great looking Phantoms! Great talent on show. The Academy F4B got the better of me. I messed up the kit trying to get the Aires cockpit to fit properly. Sad to say that she is now sitting on the mythical shelf of doom. Have to finish some commissioned projects before tackling the Phantom. Hats off to everyone that finished their Phantoms!

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