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dale travis
75 articles

1/48 Hasegawa Ki-84 "Hayate"

June 8, 2024 · in Aviation · · 14 · 377

This kit in my opinion is one of Hasgawa's best. I used an SBS cockpit set and it has better detailing than the kit cockpit but by no means is it necessary. I did this because I already had the SBS one. The kit supplied cockpit parts are also quite good. I did modify the flaps to be in the up position as photos show them to be so when the plane was on the ground. Vallejo Metal Color paints in various shades were used for the NMF finish with Pollyscale IJAAF green for the mottling. Leading wing edge yellow panels, prop tips and stripes along with the Hinomarus were applied by paint. Aerial wires were done using stretched sprue. Model represents a plane with the 101st Air Combat Rgmt., 3rd Co., Okinawa 1944. .

Reader reactions:
17  Awesome 1 

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14 responses

  1. Nice Frank, Dale!

  2. Excellent Hayate, Dale!

  3. Great looking Hayate, Dale @dtravis
    The mottled camouflage turned out perfectly.

  4. Amazing build! Look at that subtle weathering around the landing gear…fantastic paintjob, Dale @dtravis!

  5. Excellent model and paintjob.

  6. Really smooth application of the mottling.

  7. Very nice all around. The paintwork is very realistic.

  8. @dtravis
    Really cool paintwork Dale. You always manage to do some exquisite camouflages in certain models. I have never seen the plastic of this kit, nor the other equally praised Jap fighter Hasegawa launched around the same time as this one, the “Tojo” but I have no doubt your opinion is solid

  9. This looks excellent! Thanks for sharing.


  10. Thanks to all for your positive comments!

  11. Superb Dale. You have a magical way with your finishing 😊

  12. That is a looker! Love that scheme - so nicely done.

  13. Nice weathering & camouflage work!


  14. Very nice Dale. I agree with the SBS parts. Used it in my Hasegawa Ki.43. SBS was a bit better and the only reason I had it was it was dirt cheap

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