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Phil Steele
39 articles

AIRFIX 1/72 DH 82.a Tiger Moth

August 3, 2015 · in Aviation · · 45 · 2.4K

My latest effort. I put in as much extra detail as the model could handle,(not mention me) and the results aren't too bad. It's actually a replica of a flying school aircraft. All of the extras are my stuff. This was a hard little kit to work with: VERY brittle plastic. Some of the smaller parts broke when I cut them out. I coated everything that looked weak with CA glue and had better luck. I hope everyone likes my new back drop. No snow, no wrinkles.

Reader reactions:
16  Awesome

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45 responses

  1. another real beauty phil

  2. Quite a jewel….nicely done. Great detail shots as well. It is always satisfying to get great results from a difficult kit.

  3. Excellent work, Phil...especially in 72nd scale. At first glance, I thought it was an actual aircraft photo. Needless to say, the background really sets off a fine piece of modeling. Kudos to anyone who builds kits with rigging (particularly THAT one)...two thumbs up, sir! 🙂 🙂

  4. That is superb, Phil. Those close-up pics really show the high quality of your workmanship.

  5. This is brilliant, Phil. I particularly like the rigging, especially at 1/72 as Craig points out. I used to build biplanes in this scale as a boy, but when I did attempt rigging I could never get it taut like this. Maybe everybody knows apart from me, but how on earth did you manage that? Well done.

    • Ah-ha! I've just spotted your "how do I do rigging" article! I shall go read.

      • Thanks Steve, it's easier that it sounds. I tried a couple of new ideas on this build, developing on some of the things I did on the HUP. This is also the first time I used flattened brass rod for the control horns in stead of pieces of plastic.

  6. Wow, nice job especially the rigging at 1/72 no less.

  7. Very nice on that waaaaaaaaayyyyyyy old kit!

  8. Phil,
    Absolutely gorgeous. You seem to have the rigging nightmare solved. This little beauty looks real.

    • It was real alright ! A real pain. Actually I'm happy with the way it finished up. I didn't like the batons initially. The only thing I had that was absolutely straight was .020" plastic rod which didn't look bad on the bench. When I set them in place in the rigging they looked 2 inch pipes ! Thanks Frank.

  9. Love the aircraft registration! I didn't know the american band had an aircraft!

  10. Great balance on the wings in the overhead shot, and the rigging looks clean. A tough scale to detail-up but this looks really nice. Photography sets it off too.

  11. What a great build, nice work sir, and in 1/72 scale, very nice.

  12. OMG. Considering how tiny this kit is in 1/72 scale, you have done terrific work! The finesse of the result brings thughts to a full-scale aircraft, let alone a much larger model.

    • Gracious mi amigo. I usually challenge myself with working to scale appearance, making little bits and pieces as necessary. Now, if only I had a lathe---the possibilities !

  13. Very nice work Phil, lovely finishing to.
    You are right about the small bits though.
    The wife and I have got a pair on the go, and have had a few breakages.

    • It took some work, believe me. I actually bought two kits just in case, for spares, but it looks like both will be finished.
      The struts were difficult.

  14. Super work Phil - she looks great - will have to have a look at your article on rigging!

  15. Most excellent - as has already been said. Fine modeling skills on display, and love the detailed, close-up photography! Thanks for sharing.

  16. I love models in 1/72 and yours is perfect, I really admire the rigging and cleanliness of your build. Great job and thanks for sharing.

  17. It looks on the photos like a real one, thats outstanding work, especially in the 1/72 scale.

    • Thanks Bernd, glad you like it. I wish I had cut down the thickness of the open doors. They look out of scale some what. Other than that I'm happy with it. I have another one that's 70% complete, and I'll probably thin those doors down.

  18. I wouldn't want to go up against you in a model contest, what a great build!

    • Thanks Mike. I've never put anything in a contest. Working a shift schedule interfered with such things. Now that I've retired, perhaps I'll be able to.

  19. Superb. Almost impossible to choose a colour scheme. This one is a beauty.

  20. I'm new to this one (it's 2017), but this is another fine build!

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