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Commando !!

August 14, 2015 · in Armor · · 3 · 1.8K

Kit - Hobbyboss 1:35
Paint - All Tamiya acrylics.
Decals - SuperScale/Squadron 350001
Extras - None.

Completing this so soon after the Leo is entirely coincidental. I bought this on impulse in 2011, and started the interior almost as soon as I got it home... Then did what I'm fairly certain most folks here have done at some point... I lost enthusiasm and boxed it away. Skip ahead four years and just at the moment, I'm going through a bout of AMS (Advanced Modellers Syndrome - the aircraft version), so out it came, along with a couple of other projects that you'll see soon; and four weeks after re-hitting the bench, it's done.

In complete contrast to the Leo, this Hobbyboss kit is sharply detailed, and a joy to put together, there is an interior, but nowhere detailed accurately enough to open up the myriad of hatches and doors.

Apparently the machine gun at the rear is a modern MAG58, so I'll need to swap that out for an M60 but that's no big issue. The decals are superb and apparently the first co-operative project between SuperScale and Squadron.

So that's it, a big & chunky armoured car to sit in the cabinet, next... Well a forced break from building plastic things whilst I relocate the workbench from the garage to the Man-Cave, more on that at the end of next week. As ever thanks for taking the time to look and/or comment.



Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

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3 responses

  1. Good little build (I like that base, too).

  2. It's definitely chunky! Just the right amount of weathering (in my view), good job.

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