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Phil Steele
39 articles

1/72 Airfix Hannover CL.111a

September 15, 2015 · in Aviation · · 20 · 4K

This is an old build that I did some time ago, fixed up a bit, and re-photographed. I added some tin around the radiator, some rib tape, and the batons. This was my first major rigging project, and I hadn't quite figured out how to nestle in and attach those little brats between the rigging. I eventually mastered the technique. Engine enhancement, control horns, etc. were done during the build. Pretty good figures I thought.

The large 4 color lozenge pattern is made from cut pieces of painted decal material. The 5 color pattern on the wings is a Techmod product. The 45 deg. off set is based on reference info. I found for two seat aircraft.

The build represents CL 111.a 3879/18 of an unknown Schaclltstaffein of the western front, 1918. (kit info.)

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7  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

20 responses

  1. Fantastic build, Phil...even more so in that rather small-ish scale. 🙂

  2. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Nice clean work on that one, more so when one considers the scale and size of the model. Very good work on the propeller finish.

  3. Well, I don't think I've ever heard of anyone doing lozenge from cut-up bits of decals, but the effect looks spot-on. I also like the idea of returning to a model at a later time to improve the original work.

    Nicely presented.

    • Thanks Rob. The painted and cut decal material seemed to me (at that time) to be the best method, and I tried to follow the pattern suggested in the instructions. There are no color photos of these aircraft for reference except other models. Most of these showed the pattern being drawn on the model and then hand painted. My method was much faster and the sharp edges enhance the appearance considerably. The only part that were hand painted were the struts and axle.

      Hind sight is always 20/20. I'm always improving and inventing new methods.

  4. Wow! Supperbly done! Your rigging looks great and the losenge finish on the fuse looks spot on as well!

  5. Nice old Airfix build.

  6. Amazing work, Phil, nicely photographed as well.

  7. Great build! That is one colorful bird, and the lozenge scheme and rigging remind me why I shy away from WWI subjects! Nicely executed.

  8. Great build! I recently done a lozenge aircraft and I can say that all my respect to You! Beautiful!

  9. Another excellent build! I don't have the patience to do the lozenge work. I really like the way your prop turned out as well.
    Thanks for sharing!

  10. I built one of these while in Viet Nam over Christmas in 1968. It was still sitting on the document safe top when I left, to puzzle my successor(s).

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