Army Type Otsu 1 / Salmson 2A2 – Gaspatch models 1/48
Dear Fellow modelers,
This is my latest project - the first Japanese mass production aircraft. After WWI, the Salmson 2A2 reconnaissance aircraft was produced in Japan under license and the name of Army Type Otsu 1. Approximately 1000 units were produced between 1922 and 1927 at Kawasaki (around 300) and other factories in Japan. The Japanese army used them in their campaigns in China and Siberia. The plane was used up to 1933 when it was completely taken out of service. The most interesting fact for me is that this is the first step that later on led to all those strange and fascinating WWII aircraft produced by Japan.
Few words about the wonderful Otsu 1 by Gaspatch models. The kits is very good, softish tan colored plastic that glues easily, perfect fit, 2 PE frets, a jig for aligning the wings, a resin gun and precut mask for those that prefer them over the decals for the roundels. Additionally I have thrown Gaspatch turnbuckles and Aviattic linen decals for the gray parts. the paints used are Tamiya and Gunze acrylics, Alclad II and gunze metalizers, different oil colors for the wooden parts. The base was done with whatever I found around my garden. I will probably change the veneer used with a thicker one, as this one seems a bit thin, but until then it stays like this!
Any comments, tips, recommendations or constructive criticism are welcome!
Best regards,
Very nice.
This is the first build I've seen of this kit, apart from the Gaspatch display versions on their stand at Telford last year (or was it 2013?).
I think Gaspatch suffered a little as Wingnut Wings brought out their own superb version in 1/32 at about the same time, but you've certainly done justice to the GP model from what I can see here.
Well done.
yes, WnW nearly simultaneously released their 1/32 version, which is frankly more detailed and generally a better model. This definately hit Gaspatch, but still thi is very good kit on par with anything 1/48 out there!
Sorry but is ver stupid to compare a kit 1/48 with a kit in 1/32.
For my opinion the GasPatch kit is the best 1/48 WWI kit so far.
I do agree that comparing a 1/48 to 1/32 kit is not very wise and that the Gaspatch kit is wonderfull AND from what I have seen probably the best one BUT the WnW kit is more detailed, there is no doubt. Still I chose to build the gaspatch one and never regreted it!
Outstanding workmanship and excellent presentation, sir...well done indeed.
That's magnificent. I love everything Japanese 1/48 and would be so proud to have this in my collection. I'm inspired to find the kit. Will look for it. Well done. This is this months winning entry, in my opinion.
Great looking model. I never heard of the firm but I will be aware the in the future - You have done an outstanding job nevertheless!
Oh, and I love Your base work to on the diorama!
Magnificent! This model has my vote for model of the month! Well done.
Absolutely smashing !
a very rare subject done in a perfect way...amazing...both the plane and the dio as well. so good to see something really unusual from the japanese side
if you took pictures of this outside and lowered the camera to scale eye level, i would absolutely believe it was the real thing. flawless victory!
I'm with Ramon here, if you could lose the background by taking the pictures outdoors (in your garden?) it would be even better.
that is nice
That's just pretty, and not much done. The japanese markings are a plus. Another model I never thought I'd see, ever.
Oh My what a wonderfully built model. I will give a vote on this also. I love the way you used your garden for the material used on the diorama. I think it is still growing. Now I can just hear you tell your friends. "I would like to go to the sports game with you fellows, but I have to water and trim the diorama" Very well done!
California Steve
Steve, I'm gonna use that line! Thanks! I'm cultivating (!) my strange persona. Really! What a great line!
I second all the comments above - just a wonderfully done model and base. Remarkable workmanship, and beautiful results!
lovely work on this ,I'm surprised nobody mentioned the rigging though ,it must have taken hours.I would leave the veneer alone (if you are referring to the planks in the dio) they look perfectly in scale to me.Well done.
oh the rigging ... it was ...lets say long
There are over 60 lines between the upper and lower wings, here is a pic of the rpeparation phase:

Boy, and I thought sailing ships were tough! You're a better man than I am, gives me the twitch just looking at it.
This is to my taste with this kit flirting for some time
because I'm missing in my Japanese collection.
Im Like and this is great BUILD !
P.s. My hasegawa "DAVE" on a way..
Thank you for the nice comments guys
I'm glad you like my aircraft! It was my first after few months of "lost modelling mojo", but this one dragged me back into the hobby!
You are a brave man to take a kit with this much rigging as a mojo restorer... :).
Seriously, I have the same kit in my stash, it looks wonderfully in the box... but I still feel intimidated by a complexity of a two-bay biplane. Kudos to you for having completed it!
Great work! Phenomenal job on that rigging. nt