The Eagle Has Landed…on my model shelf
Now I need a bigger shelf...
This is the Revell 1/48 scale F-15E Strike Eagle, built 'out-of-the-box' using the markings for #80-0487, 335th Tactical Fighter Squadron, the "Chiefs", 4th Fighter Wing, Operation Desrt Storm, 1991 .
I got this kit on an impulse buy, spur of the moment at my local big-box arts and crafts store, where they have a limited selection of kits. I've never done a jet, I guess the big box and striking artwork lured me in. While standing in the checkout line, I was behind a man and his wife, the wife was buying floral stuff. The guy was a big macho looking dude with a bunch of tattoos and a pistol on his belt. He looked at me, then looked at the kit in my hand, then looked at me and said 'I didn't know they sold THOSE here! Where are they?"
I said "about halfway to the back on the far right"
He went running off to find them while his wife gave me a dirty look...
Anyway I thought I'd do a jet, and maybe not have to deal with so much canopy mask issues as i do on my usual WWII subjects, but this kit presented its own challenges. It is large, I'll say that, you get a lot of plastic for your money. I wish they had included all the items that hang on all the empty hangers up underneath it. I did a cursory internet search for add ons but couldn't find any and by then was wanting to get finished so I didn't search too hard. The kit is generally well made, not too much flash and stuff, the hardest part was figuring out the right order to paint and build in. The overall color is "blindfold", a Valspar Color Radiance "Advanced Color" Spray can I had around the house, which came from local big-box home improvement store last year. For spray can paint, it sprays a real fine mist and you don't have to turn it upside down and spray it when your done. just stop.
Thanks for providing all the great models here on iModeler that inspire me so - Happy Labor Day too!
Pretty nice job for having "never done a jet", Ralph...from the description given, it sound as if you were in Hobby Lobby.
Thanks it feels weird to not put on the prop, but this plane does have a nice pointy nose. We don't have Hob Lob, it's called Michael's around here
Last time I looked in our local Michael's, they didn't have c**p for models.
Ralph, that's a real good build, and the paint looks "right" to me. Good eye!
We've got Michaels here, as well. The Hobby Lobby is some distance away, over on the far side of town. Of course, there's a good used book store, and a discount book warehouse nearby, so I'm thinking "road trip".
Fall is a great time for hunter-gather (polystyrine division) trips.
You ever get down here on the flat, I'll take you around.
I went to a hobby lobby in Richmond last winter while re on business. They had a greater kit selection than michael's but still not what I would call "impressive "
The hobby shop in Roanoke, now they have a nice selection, a 45 minute drive
Ralph, Hasegawa weapons sets 48- 1-4 have what you want, depending on the loadout. Set 1/A has dumb bombs, the others air to ground, vice versa, and guided bombs, which is probably what you want. (Weapons set D)
If you're feeling ambitious, their 1/48th U S Ground Crew Set A. has mechanic figures, with a starter, wheeled fire extinguisher, and generator(?). Diorama in a box!
The figures are in the older fatigues, not the jungle fatigues or the current ABUs.
Nice Eagle, Ralph, and from my favorite fighter group, to boot! Understand about the jets - it's just funny without the prop out front...
Good looking build !
The F-15 is one of my favorite modern jets. This one is so very well done, very clean and sharp ( no pun intended ).
Nice clean build there, Ralph, any more jets on the horizon?
Very nice Ralph. I much prefer jets to the older planes, but that's probably just personal preference being born in the eighties.
Welcome to the land beyond the speed of sound! Your Eagle is a nice addition - well done! Personally, as long as it doesn't have 2 wings, I'll build it!
Thanks all. I may do another jet sometime but have some other kits in the stash I want to get done first. If I do another jet I think it would probably be an older 1950's or60's type. Maybe a Phantom or something like that. For now this bird is on its own shelf the sole occupant of my little future museum expansion wing.
I agree on the jet thing-props have more appeal. You did terrific work nonetheless.
Great job Ralph!
Not too shabby for an "impulse" buy at a craft store, very nice.