Otaki 1/48 Ki43 “Oscar”
Another "whiffie" racer...these old kits are FUN. and inexpensive. I added a "modern" pilot, cleaned up the the fuselage, and clipped the wings. Looks very lightweight and fragile. The stripes are painted over decals, copied from a Hasegawa 1/72 B-47. The wing markings were masked and sprayed. Overall, a fun build, and the results aren't bad..
Great stuff! Unusual idea, especially a japan racer in Reno
"Thinking outside the box" again, huh, Joe...?
no such thing as a box at this end, Craig. Ir's just about fun and exciting the rivet counters...lol
Never a dull moment with this hobby, keep up the good work Joe I'm enjoying the view. Nothing like having fun at this age in life.
Nice work Joe, a great collection of "Racers" you have built mate.
Well done sir.
Way to go, Joe! Great idea for them kits you might not be now tempted to build, with something newer replacing it.
There used to be a Thompson Trophy race in the late 40s, and lots of WW II fighters participated. Reno, as well.
Seeing this on display oughta bring some folks up short. "Whaaat?"
That's it, Bernard ! You've got the idea !
Very cool, Joe! Always neat to do those what-ifs with old kits.
Talk about old, Jaime. Those decals are painted over Hasegawa B-47 decals. Probably older than you...
Nice work, Joe! The Ki-61 and F6F are cool too!
Looks very racy to me…….nice graphics.
I love racers of any kind, Joe, and this is certainly a kind of racer! Very neat work as always.
Very interesting! Beautiful paint job, Joe.