The Otaki Database at iModeler

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Otaki model kits

More 1/48 German Fighters

1/48 DML Fw-190A-5 “Special” Markings for Herman Graf. Pretty much straight from the box. 1/48 DML Fw-190A-4 Jg.2 Markings for Adolph Dickfeld. Again, straight from the box with markings cobbled from different decal sheets. 1/48 Otaki [...]

1/48 Otaki Bf-109G-6

Before Eduard, Hasegawa,Fujimi and Tamiya began releasing their great kits of the Bf-109G-6, there was Otaki. Recessed panel lines and rivets, enclosed wheel wells and, while not accurate, cockpits. Here’s a couple I have built long [...]

Otaki 1/48th scale Bf-109G-6

Hello fellow modellers! It has been a long time since my last article, too long. Seeing this box art always evokes memories of me as a young (12 years old) and impressionable lad, circa 1976, in my now long-gone local hobby shop wanting [...]

Corsair Mk II, Fleet Air Arm, 1834 Naval Air Squadron, HMS Victorious

Corsair Mk II Fleet Air Arm, 1834 Naval Air Squadron, HMS Victorious, British Pacific Fleet markings (two models). Hobbycraft British Commonwealth Corsair, No. HC1528 (1996) and Chance Vought F4U-1 Corsair, Otaki, No. OT2-27-400 (1976) [...]

Jim Sullivan GB: 1/48 Otaki F6F-3 Hellcat

Jim Sullivan’s “F6F Hellcat in Action” Squadron book features a Don Greer profile of Hellcat F6F-3 “white 13” of VF-16 that flew from the USS Lexington CV-16 in December of 1943. I chose to model this particular aircraft for the [...]

Otaki 1/48 Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate "Frank"

Another old build that I decided to do a little work to. This was originally finished as a factory fresh build since the markings are from the second prototype of the Ki-84. This is an Otaki kit that was first released in 1973. Not too [...]

1/48 Otaki Ki-44 Shoki

Here is my straight out of the box 1/48 Otaki Ki-44, kit decals and all. Working my way up to the nicer Hasegawa and Tamiya kits I have in my stash. Hope you enjoy and thank you for letting me share!

Otaki 1/48 Spitfire Mk. IX (converted from a Mk. VIII)

Another of my old builds from 1989. Made to represent an ace who once lived about 15 miles from where I live. Frank Hill became a flight commander [308FS] and in May-42 went to England where the 31st Fighter Group was flying Spitfires. [...]

Otaki 1/48 P-47D Thunderbolt

This is my Otaki 1/48 P-47D Thunderbolt that I built in 1986. This is a bit of a kit bash using Monogram's P-47D cowling and engine and Hawk's P-47D Curtiss Electric Propeller. Some details were added into the cockpit area, fuel pressure [...]

Otaki 1/48 P-40E

Here's my Otaki P-40E in 1/48 scale. I build this in 1988 and it was my second time building this kit. My first time was in 1979. For this build I took my time to correct many issues that existed, worked on the spinner's shape, carburetor [...]