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Scale Modelworld – New releases by Airfix

November 7, 2015 · in News · · 18 · 12.9K

Airfix surprised today with an incredible array of new and projected kits at their Telford stand. There's really too much to describe here, so we'd rather let the pictures speak for themselves. Looking forward to everyone's comments... It's a golden age of modeling, folks!

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8  Awesome

56 additional images. Click to enlarge.

18 responses

  1. Thank you for Airfix reportage.
    This manufacturer has a bright future and climb to the top of
    modern Kit manufacturers.
    Yeah, I can buy a lot and I'm satisfied with the products .
    only continue to go ahead Airfix

  2. Appears I'll be giving Airfix a longer look these days when considering kit buying. Thanks for posting these.

  3. Love the 1:48 kits and the Typhoon ! Just wish Airfix would go into 1:32 scale aircraft !

  4. Interesting. A lot of these look like new tools but with others - are they genuine new releases, or the same old forty/fifty year old kits bunged into new boxes? (re-released old kits - not in this case "new releases"). The Boeing B17, for instance - which appears twice in box view above but with no view of competed model or box contents.

    I do like the USAAF fuel bowser: I suspect the version that served the supply echelons for American tank divisions wasn't all that different. (Dio of bowser refuelling Sherman tanks just behind the front line...)

    Which is the other point. No new or retooled armour? While I can see the vehicles depicted here would also serve for military uses, you might want to throw something at we armour modellers too! (I'm not averse to the odd wingy thing now and again, just for a change, but for me it's tanks, trucks, artillery... peopel model those too!)

    • Everything in the picture gallery is a new tool, or is in the initial design phases and will become a new tool. Check out the "Workbench" blog on the Airfix UK website.

      I don't know how I can make it an entire year before the Victor is released - oh, be still my heart!

  5. Drool! Gevald! What great choices, the new Stuka being a surprise. Defiant! Meatbox! Stunning!

  6. Pity we no longer get Airfix in South Africa?

    • William, we do get Airfix in sunny SA. Latest kits available have been the 1/72nd scale Do-17, Defiant as well as both Blenheim.and the 1/48 Hurricane and Spitfire. They arrived around the time of the Beaufighter/Swift release I the UK and I am hoping that those two will be available locally before end of year

  7. OMG, Airfix is killing me, it looks like they have tied my building queue to their release schedule for the foreseeable future. When it rains it pours lol.

  8. No armour/military subjects?

  9. I remember the gasp of joy I had when I went down in the basement of the local toy store in 1958 and saw the big rack of bagged Airfix kits. I thought they were great! All the airplanes I wanted to do. I have that same feeling with new Airfix, except this time around they really are as good as I thought they were then. I want every one of them! Airfix is really really back, living up to the dreams from way back then.

  10. An Eindecker and BE2c, nice to see World War One aircraft being released. Considering Airfix's attention to detail these should be extraordinary builds.

  11. Wish Typhoon was in 1/32 & B-17 in 1/48.
    I have serious suspicions about the installation of the small windows on B17G nose. Nose section should be completely clear ( from cockpit to the nose end) in this scale.
    1/48 Tomahawk is a real hit.

  12. Yeah so good to see Airfix back, so many great memories of building them as a kid. The new tools are up there with the best, building the Hurricane Mk1 1/48th scale, it's ready for painting, when I get time! But what a kit! I so hope they have the Halifax up for a make over, and if they re tool their Wellington and Hampden, Airfix will have arguably the best set of Bomber Command aircraft in 1/72nd scale. Not to mention a re tool of their 1/24th Spitfire and Bf109E. For those all they need do is just finish them off with some sprues holding wheel well and gun bay details.

  13. Simply wow, everything shown a pleasant surprise. The Victor is one I cannot wait to get as well as the P-40. Way to go Airfix

  14. I, too, am glad to see Airfix back, they introduced me to this great hobby, as, I'm sure, they introduced a great many others.

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