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Mike S
7 articles

Vintage (1:24) Bell model 47

November 28, 2015 · in Aviation · · 13 · 4.2K

Many years ago I commissioned a gentleman in California to custom fabricate this 1:24 scale Bell model 47 helicopter. The craftsmanship and detail are so beautiful that I wanted to share to this website. Due to the fact that it was produced so long ago I can not remember his name nor company.

Livery, "N" number and other details were to my specifications and design. Over the years I added small details such as the fuel lines, antennas, navigation lights/landing light and slider window (pilot side). The model's fuselage (open truss) is made of brass with the other components comprising of plastic and resin. The overall length is eighteen inches long, six inches high with three inches wide.

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13 responses

  1. That is indeed a stunning example of the venerable Bell 47...thank you for sharing this exquisite rendition of his talent(s)...and welcome to the site. Hope to see more of your work and/or collections.

    • Thanks Craig! It truly is a a stunning model. I've had a a live long love with the 47 ever since I spied it on the famous TV show "Whirlybirds." Having the opportunity to pilot (orientation flight) and fly many various rotor craft from the Hughes 269 to the Sikorsky S-58 I'm in love with them...I even have an autograph of Igor Sikorsky's son,Sergei in my library.-Mike

  2. A great example of scratchbuilding. Your friend is certainly a talented craftsman. Thanks for posting.

  3. Lovely work, I have the G Mark 47 and enjoyed the build, Very nice home made 47 you have there

    • Hey Greg...G mark a rare kit more detailed then this one which is not a G mark. I don't know how it was produced as I had it custom made by a gentleman in California. Have you posted pics of it...Love to see!

  4. Stunning piece of work! I remember "Whirlybirds", got me interested in them, as well. Only Hueys, so far.

    • The huey is indeed a fantastic helicopter...Rugged as well...Been known to chop through tree limbs at least three inches thiick to reach the LZ and take off out of it again. If you want a first hand account and find out more than you'll ever want to know about flying them in Vietnam may I highly recommend you read the book "Chickenhawk." Gripping and compelling...!

  5. Mike: I was at an airshow some years back, and one was on display. Since I used to ride in them I stopped off and talked to the crew. The crew chief told me that when the last Blackhawk went to Davis Monthan, a Huey was gonna pick up the crew. Not quite, but nice answer.

  6. Thanks for the share! It is marvelous workmanship.

    • Greg, you are welcome! I wish I could say I built it as I had mention in the narrative I wrote that I had it custom built (adding things over the years).
      Having said that just wanted to share it, you rarely see a scale model like this with such close attention to proportions and detail. Cheers

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