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Greg Kittinger
126 articles

Man Corner...

December 31, 2015 · in Uncategorized · · 9 · 2K

I'm a bit late to the game - took 2 weeks vaca over the holidays to spend a crowded Christmas with my 6 kids, 3 kids-in-law, one soon-to-be son-in-law, and 5 grandkids - so haven't been keeping up with posts very well!

We just moved in November. In my two prior homes, I had an entire room for my man-cave, or at least a full area in a spare room. In my new abode, I'm relegated to a corner of the master bedroom, so had to ditch my old modeling desk (it was older and uglier than my wife could stand), and modify a nice cherry-finish computer desk my daughter was abandoning.

Mounted my lighted magnifying lens, put the paint shelf I build on the back of it - and good to go!

Early in my modeling career I had no room and worked off of the kitchen table, so got used to working out of a stocked tackle box. I still work out of that box today, even when I have a desk. It just keeps a lot of stuff organized nicely! When I'm done building, I just close the box and shove it under the table (along with all my reference books - which you can see under there).

I guess you make due with what's available!

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9 responses

  1. That is a great idea with the tackle box Greg, we may have to move in the future and we don`t know how much space we will have?
    What is with the egg boxes Greg?

    • I use the styrofoam egg packages to hold in-progress builds - have done so for years! They can easily be cut when needing to custom build a way to hold something at a unique angle, etc.

  2. Thats a nice corner you have got there! I keep my tools in a box just like that, perfect for keeping things tidy and for transporting my tools if going on a club meeting. Happy new modelling year!

  3. At first glance, I thought I'd stumbled across a Victorian apothecary!

  4. That carpet scares me for two reasons.
    One, The Carpet Monster lives there.
    Two, (perhaps more importantly) the Missus will have your hide if you ruin it.
    In my shop? In two weeks it would be toast.

  5. Glad you enjoyed your Christmas, Greg, looks like you've settled nicely into your new home.

  6. Except for the well tidied up paints, this workbench looks like mine. I don't need more space for 1/48, until now.

  7. Ah, Greg...those weights in the corner...special modeling tools or what?

    Like your set-up.

    • I would say they were for nose weight, but since I only build wheels-up, I would be caught in that lie! Gotta have something to keep the blood flowing occasionally, especially if I get aggravated during a build...

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