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Justin Bronk
37 articles

P-38H made from Tamiya’s new Lightning kit

March 22, 2020 · in Aviation · · 14 · 3K

This is probably the most popular kit released recently and I've finally got around to finishing my build. Went for aftermarket decals because the two markings offered from the box are pretty dull to my eyes. Also has the benefit of being a P-38H that I built so the kit's callout for Olive Drab is actually correct as opposed to the lighter green on real WWII G and F models.

As many others have said - this was a fabulous kit to build; absolutely flawless engineering on a really challenging shape from Tamiya here. Just incredible how it goes together.

Was also an interesting experiment with weathering an Olive Drab scheme as I haven't done one before and making such a monotone upper surface look interesting on something as big as a 1/48th scale P-38 was a bit daunting. Anyway, hope you like the result!

Build Video is here for those interested:

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. Excellent job, Justin. You put a lot of quality work in this. Very nice video too!
    All the best!

  2. That's a nice build. The weathering looks real good.

    I'm currently working my way through the same kit so I might borrow some of the things you've done with yours.

  3. Very nice! Look great.

  4. Excellent build. That new tooling is giving us a great opportunity to build new treasures. Cheers and thanks for sharing your talents.

  5. A very nice Lightning! Well done. Great paint and weathering work.

  6. Very well done. Finish is especially nice.

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