Smolensk 1941 diorama
Haven't posted in a while since I had a run in with a none to friendly circular saw.
Here's my Smolensk dio from Mirage hobbies up to date. Didn't think much of the t26 kit as I had to take a saw to it straight out of the box which I was not impressed with but its slowly coming together now.
I've made a few minor alterations from the kit parts primarily because the hatch handles were to this ck for my likes but I also went slightly insane deciding to make two spare wheel carrier frames mostly I didn't want to just plonk the spare onto the body. I also had to rework the exhaust muffler support brackets as they would not allow the muffler to sit down into position properly.
Today's images show WIP, having done a base coat of Black primer the t26 has now received a top coat of Russian camo green despite the colour being self mixed its come out pretty close to the actual colour used. Tomorrow hopefully I'll begin adding some different shades just to break up the overall mono colour as well as doing some weathering. Also in the images you can see the t26's counter part in this dio which has now also received a black base primer coat prior to the addition of the tracks, crew and rear stowage box.
Looking quite nice to date, Steven...keep us "in the loop" as the dio progresses.
Will do and thank you very much.
Steve, sorry to hear about your run in with the saw. Hope you're well on the mend.
This is that Mirage dio kit you were showing us.
Looks great so far.
that's looking good
Thanx Lloyd King.