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Alan Price
48 articles

Wingnuts Roland DVIa

January 16, 2016 · in Aviation · · 7 · 2K

I thought it might be worth posting a few pictures of older builds that were not seen much when they were built, these mostly just appeared in a few small pictures on Hyperscale so here is my Wingnuts Roland from a couple of years back. This was built for MAI, like all the Wingnuts kits its just a superb build. The fuselage is a pain to paint on this but worth the effort. The cross was airbrushed with the black and white stripes. Extra detail added to the engine but other than that its mostly stock. Hope you enjoy the photos!

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10  Awesome

4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. Museum quality comes to mind when viewing these photos. It's a shame that there are so few. More of a tease than a look. 😉


  2. Those WNW kits sure build up nice, don't they? Never have seen "dog" yet. Don't imagine I'll ever build one, though...things with two wings, struts and rigging don't interest me as a modeler. Yours sure looks good, though.

  3. Great looking build, Alan. I built one of the Rolands (posted here previously) and found the kit quality excellent. There are so many schemes available that offer variety and a 'value added' effect that it's easy to see why the kits are so popular.

  4. Great looking plane and very nicely built. I like the simple paint scheme of black and white.

  5. Excellent work, attracts the eye!

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